Chapter Four

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"Why did you do that?" I asked him as he sat at the table across from me.

"Do what?" he asked, confused. I had gotten to the diner first this time, nicely ordering the same drinks that we had gotten the last time we were here from the waitress at the counter so that they would be ready when he arrived, but I hadn't ordered the pizza yet.

"You walked into my math classroom and gave me my book in front of the entire class. Now everyone seems to either think that there's something going on between us or that I did something horrific to you and you're planning on getting back at me because of your 'reputation'."

He burst out laughing. "Why would they think that?" he chuckled. I gave him a flat stare.

"As Maya pointed out earlier, you delinquents and us outcasts do not clash. Why couldn't you have waited until you saw me tonight to give it back anyways?"

"You keep calling us delinquents," he said with a smirk and shook his head in amusement, not answering my original question. "But not all of us are as bad as you think."

"Like who?" I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Like me, for instance. Matt's a good guy too, Jules, and Bla-"

"Do not say his name," I snapped. He looked quite taken aback for a moment before he seemed to regain his composure.

"Why not?" he asked, his brows furrowing in confusion.

"He has done a great injustice and I cannot stand the infernal sound of his name," I declared.


"It's nothing you need to know about," I said without room for argument. His eyes roamed over me for a long moment and I shifted under his piercing gaze uncomfortably.

"You dress very casually when you're not at school," he observed as he seemed to drop the subject, gesturing to the flannel tied around my waist and my black converse.

"Your point is?" I questioned.

"Well, it's just...refreshing. Why don't you dress like this all the time?"

"Because there are no people around here that are going to judge me, and I'll probably never see any of them again anyways so it doesn't really matter."

"And me?"

I pressed my lips into a thin line. "Are you going to judge me?" I asked him quizzically. He smirked.

"There's nothing to judge, you look amazing in that outfit. I like it more than the stuff that you usually wear, actually." I stared at him suspiciously, looking for any sign that he wasn't being truthful but found nothing. "But to answer your question, no, I wouldn't judge you because I believe highly in expressing yourself and not giving a shit what other people think...although, if you were to walk in here wearing a clown costume I might judge you a tinsey bit, because you know, that's just flat out unnatural and frankly insane, and stupid. I wouldn't advise doing that."

"Don't worry, I don't plan to," I assured him.

"Good, because I would've been worried," he sighed, blowing out a breath in relief.


"Hey there," an approaching voice said from behind me and the boy with the strawberry blonde hair that waited our table last time sat our drinks down in front of us.

Reth leaned his head on the back of his chair in exasperated annoyance muttering, "Not again." The boy ignored him and continued to stare at me intently.

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