Chapter Nineteen

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Without further ado, here are the winners for the Challenge!

In 6th place is insignis_ for your honestly. I found your comments very refreshing, yet a splash in the face.

In 5th place is Pizza_lover16

In 4th place is @elenageorgievs

In 3rd place is @izzylyn22

And in 2nd place, is x_fxckhumanity_x , thank you for all of your amazing comments, I enjoyed reading all of them, and thank you for your entry!

Lastly (*drum roll please*) the 1st place winner of the challenge is @semaphoris for going absolutely above and beyond. Thank you for entering, and this chapter is dedicated to you!

For anyone who entered that does not see their name above, thank you for your entry also. There will be more challenges coming soon, with more opportunities to win, so please don't fret!

Thank you everyone again, and here is the chapter. Happy reading!


Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault.


"Th-there's something I have to talk to you about," I muttered, looking at the other girl hesitantly. It had been a week since the night Reth had brought me home; the same night I had answered Jay's call. I was going to have to fess up to Maya about everything that had happened sooner or later.

"Okay?" she replied, staring at me expectantly. "Go for it."

"You have to promise you're not going to get mad at me first."

"I promise, Clare," she told me, her eyebrows furrowing together in confusion.

" a few days ago-" I hesitated momentarily. "-Reth took me to a party."

"O-okay," she stuttered, taken aback.

"Neither of us got drunk...or even buzzed...I promise," I went on. "But we um-"

"What?" She questioned skeptically.

"We-we kissed," I said softly.

At this point, Maya's mouth was hanging open in bewilderment, her eyes wide. She didn't move for a solid minute, before she seemed to collect herself.

"Clare," she said with a deep sigh, closing her eyes. "I know every thing I have told you about him has made you afraid to talk to me about this; but I want you to know that I respect you and your decisions, and if this is what you want, then I respect that also. All I ask is that you be smart about it...and careful, okay?"

"Of course I will, Maya," I replied. The bell rang, signaling the end of the period, and I slowly stood up from my chair, saying a quick goodbye to her before leaving the room and heading to English class.

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