Chapter 2: Old Ties

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 Toni settled into a private compartment with Hermione and Ginny, but something felt amiss. There was no sign of Ron and Harry, leading them to assume that the train was crowded and the two friends were likely in another part of it.

The girls engaged in lively conversation for a while, with Toni sharing her excitement about the wonders of Hogwarts and the joy of walking through its halls. Ginny, in particular, seemed captivated by Toni's eyes, just as Ron had been when they first met. Toni found Ginny's presence delightful—sweet, caring, and a bit shy, as expected from a first-year. She genuinely enjoyed talking with her.

However, amidst the endless conversations and the joy they felt, Toni couldn't shake off her father's words. His plea for her to speak with Draco and ensure that her mistake wouldn't bring harm upon him echoed in her mind.

Deciding to take a break from the compartment and search for Draco, Toni informed the girls that she was going to find the trolley and left, making her way through the train cars. She passed through several compartments—Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and even a few scattered Slytherins—but she couldn't find Draco anywhere. It felt like hours before she finally caught sight of his distinct platinum hair.

Draco was seated with his usual companions—Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, and Pansy. Toni held little fondness for any of them, as they had often been cruel to her friends. Strangely, though, after their initial encounter last year when she had sought out Draco, they had fallen silent in her presence. Their hurtful words had ceased, and she was met with an unsettling silence. While she didn't expect them to be kind, their lack of remarks had always puzzled her.

Toni took a deep breath and approached their seats, catching the attention of Blaise and Pansy first. Their expressions reflected confusion and faint surprise at her presence. Nervously fidgeting with her fingers, she ignored Blaise's question and focused on Draco.

"Draco, can I speak with you?" she asked, disregarding the others.

The four Slytherins turned their attention to Draco, who appeared uninterested but not opposed to her request. After a brief moment of contemplation, he rolled his eyes and left the booth. Casting a quick glance to ensure she was following, he led her to a private corner away from the bustling noise of other students. Leaning back and crossing his arms, he fixed her with a glare, leaving Toni unsure of what to say.

"Well?" he prodded, impatience in his voice. Toni glanced at him, feeling her voice shake.

"I-I wanted to..." she trailed off, her voice trembling. Heat rushed to her cheeks, embarrassed by her own uncertainty. She hadn't spoken to him all summer, yet memories of him had often occupied her thoughts. She recalled moments of clutching the ring during training, checking her fingers to see if it fit, and wondering if he had thought of her at all during the summer.

"Antonia, are you alright?" Draco asked, his usual sneer replaced by a hint of concern. Toni looked up, perplexed by his unexpected change in demeanor.

"Y-yes," she replied, taking a deep breath. "I wanted to see if your father had said anything to you... after the incident at the bookstore."

Draco gave her an odd glare. "About the ring, you mean?"

"Yes!" she quickly responded before regaining composure. "Y-Yes. Did he... did he say anything about it? Did he do anything, perhaps?"

Draco's expression softened slightly, and he paused for a moment. "He asked me how you got it."

"And?" Toni inquired eagerly.

"And I told him I gave it to you as a Christmas gift," Draco revealed, leaving Toni puzzled by his calmness.

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