𝟔. 𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞

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karma police, arrest this man ~ radiohead

"ok calm down, calm the living hell down." lola sat in the front seat of her moms car panicking. cracking her knuckles and messing with her hair. she was so nervous she thought she was going to hurl everywhere.

"girl you better not throw up in my damn car, i just cleaned it yesterday." her mom looked at her. "i know i'm just freaking out mom! i'm not gonna know anyone, at least i had ronnie at my last school but nope, just me now."

"well lola that's the thing about lif-" lola cut her mom off. "please don't give me the life lecture now." her mom glanced at her for a second before looking back to the road. "look there it is."

and there in big, bright, letters, the words castro valley high school were slapped on a building. "turn around." lola said breathy. reaching to unlock the car, she did not care if she broke a bone by jumping out. "lisolette sit your ass down right now, your going to walk in there and sit your happy ass in that chair and just listen to the teacher it's not that hard." lola slid back into her chair with her arms crossed.

watching and dreading as the car kept pulling forward, and soon enough parking right in the front doors.

"have a good day." her mom said as lola stepped out, grabbing her bag and slinging it over her shoulders. this was hell, actual hell. she walked towards the front entrance. exhaling a shaky breath as the cold metal handle touched her hand.

lines were stretched all across the foyer of kids waiting. there were people sitting at tables handing out schedules and home room numbers. lola stood in one of the lines. keeping her head down. she did not want to see anyone at all.

minute by minute more people began walking to their classes, and lola was at the front. a man with white hair and glasses asked for her name.

"um lisolette valentina alanis." she muttered out. the man nodded and adjusted his glasses before rummaging through the stacks of paper. his old, raisin like hands finally pulled a packet of papers out, all were stapled together.

"sophomore right?" he asked. lola nodded and he handed her the packet. lola took it quickly and began walking through the halls. eyes not paying attention at all. looking down at the papers she looked for her home room number. "c219." she whispered under her breath. great she would have to walk all the way to the other hall and upstairs.

making a sharp turn, lola's body immediately collided with someone else making her drop all of her papers. "oh my god i'm so sorry." lola said as the person she collided with picked up her stuff, handing it to her. "nah man it's cool." lola looked up and was met with a boy with an afro.

"hey i'm mike, i'm uh a senior here." he said. lola nodded. "you seem lost." he said. lola let out an airy laugh and looked up at him. "yeah i am, i'm new here and i can't find my home room." she passed him her schedule and he looked at it. "no way we've got the same home room." lola let out a sigh of relief. "come on let's go." he said.

she trailed behind him like a lost puppy as he said hey to people in the halls. "you a basketball player or something?" she asked. he laughed. "yeah." lola nodded and looked down again as another person came and clapped his back extremely loud.

after what felt like an eternity, they had finally made it to their home room. walking to the back of the class, he sat in a chair in the far corner, she took the seat right behind him.

turning back around to look at her, mike asked, "so where are you from?" lola looked up. "i'm from anaheim." mike raised an eyebrow. "wow all the way near l.a. how does it feel to be close to san francisco?" he asked. lola sighed. "i mean it's okay i guess." he nodded. that's when an older gentleman walked in the room.

introducing himself and pulling out a roster. lola cringed. she hated this part. her name was always called first and of course they used her first middle and last.

"ok lisolette valentina alanis?" she closed her yes and sighed, then raised her hand. "damn that's a new one." mike turned around and joked. "shut up." lola said. they both laughed for a second before the teacher spoke again. "michael andrew bordin?" mike raised his hand and the teacher nodded.

"that isn't so much of a mouthful." lola nudged him. "wait are you related to that girl that like axed her whole family?" she asked. he turned back around with wide eyes. "damn no?" he said. both of them laughing uncontrollably.


after home room ended, lola had gone to her other classes. trying not to have a breakdown when she was in geometry, but that was about the only bad thing about her day.

she has walked with mike to most of her classes. he seemed nice and could play the drums. when lola had told him that she could play bass. he got excited and explained that his best friend also plays bass.

lola was leaning against the wall waiting for mike to show. it was lunch and he had told her that she could hang out with him.

"yo lo!" he said from across the foyer. lola pushed herself up and walked over to him. "hey it's alright if my buddy sits with us right? the one i told you plays the bass?" lola nodded. "alright great."

they duo walked out to the bleachers and sat down. lola pulled out a diet dr pepper. cracking it open and drinking some. "sup cliff!" she heard mike yell. lola about spit her drink out.

slowly looking up, low and behold the damn kid that bullied her practically all summer clapping hands with mike. of course he would go here. 'get your head out of your ass' she thought. 'he's a senior too.' "cliff man this is lola, she's pretty cool and she plays bass too!" lola looked up at him. he was scowling down at her.

"yeah, i know this one." he said. sitting down from the bleachers under lola and placing his legs on the same one she was sitting on. mike looked visibly uncomfortable with the way cliff and lola were glaring at each other. clearing his throat, he tried to break some of the tension.

"you know why don't we all go over to my house tonight for a jam session?" cliff and lola, still staring at each other with hate, both slowly inched their heads at mike. "yeah sure, if she can keep up." he said. mikes brows raised.

"kiss my ass cliff, not like you can play as good as i do." she said. kicking her foot against cliffs shin. "damn it that hurt!" he said, massaging his leg. "suck it up snowflake." she said eyeing him before looking back at mike. "yeah sounds like fun! what time?" mike smiled. "let's do 7 tonight, oh um here." mike got a paper and pen from his backpack and began scribbling his address down.

handing it to lola just as the bell rang. the three of them stood up and began walking down the bleachers. "see you guys tonight." cliff said. before shouldering lola hard enough to the point she fell backwards into a seating position on the bleachers.

"cliff!" mike yelled and turned around to help lola back up.

"suck it up snowflake." he mocked and walked to the building.


"liv he goes to my school! my ass hurts so bad he shoved me so fucking hard!" lola screeched as she packed up her bass. liv was sitting on her bed changing out the batteries on all her cameras.

"i mean what did you expect. he's only a little older than you." liv said. lola sighed and laced up her chucks. "he shouldered me." she whined. "well you did kick him in the shin." liv said smirking.

"i mean at least mike is nice and let me come over for a jam session." lola said. putting her hair in a bun and pulling the front strands out.

she heard a camera click and a light shine at her direction for a second. "the hell?" liv pulled the picture out and shook it for a few seconds. handing it to lola. "look very photogenic." liv said.

"you can give that photo to cliff so he has something to jerk-" lola cut her off. "you and ronnie need to stop, i do not like him he's such an ass." lola said and rolled her eyes. looking in the mirror to adjust her lipstick.

"if he's such an ass why are you getting all pretty to see him?" lola side eyed liv from the mirror. walking away and slinging her case over her shoulder.

"bye liv!" she said. "yeah let's avoid that one! don't get yourself killed!" liv yelled.

lola shook her head and walked out the door. pulling out the paper he had given her and heading towards the address.

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