𝟖𝟏. 𝐡𝐲𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬

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if you're gonna scream, scream with me, moments like this never last ~ misfits


lola let out a quiet gasp as she pulled the dust infected cassette tape from out of the storage box. mentally slapping herself for letting the boys just throw it carelessly into the cold-dark storage room.

or the 'guitar graveyard' as the liked to call it.

lola's eyes were beaming as she forcefully dusted the hardened dust off the surface.

"oh my god i remember this!" she squeaked. cliff who had been in there originally to find some old gear, lola just following him in there to mess with him, turned around and raised his brow.

"remember what?" he asked. glancing at her from the side as he continued doing what he originally was suppose to.

lola just continued to bubbly dust off the old cassette. cliff would be lying if he said he didn't smile just at the way she was sitting and emitting happiness.

she was like a little ball of sunshine.

and he grimaced as he thought about how he had treated her before. continuing to look at her till she finally looked up again. quickly turning away to make it look like he was doing something the entire time.

lola held the cassette outstretched to him. biting her lip in excitement as cliff recognized the cover.

"shit that's the first ever released misfits single." cliff said. dropping what he was doing and making his way over to lola.

"i know! i still remember when ronnie gave it to me, i had already been into them but there's something special about the first ever vinyl or song." she said.

giving the broken 'kill 'em all' vinyl that was resting on a shelf a pointed glance.

lola looked back at the single. resting in cliffs hands. she remembered vividly when ronnie gave it to her.

- january 1979, anaheim

the cold january rain pelted down against lola's bedroom window. her and ronnie sitting on her floor going through their respective cassette collections.

"hey lo you ever heard of this?" ronnie said. tucking her then dark purple hair behind her ears. lola hummed and looked up from the cassette she was holding.

eyeing the black and white cover. "no i haven't." ronnie smirked and tossed the tape to lola.

who failed at catching it as it smacked her hand and somehow flew behind her.

turning around to pick it up and cringing while examining it to make sure that it wasn't broke.

ronnie sighed and put her head in her hand. shaking her head back in forth. "lola you gotta learn how to be less clumsy, i don't know how you're so good at bass when you nearly drop one every time you pick one up."

lola just kicked ronnie's shin. "ow!" she yelped.

but lola just tucked her then long dark blonde hair behind her ears. looking at the cover and nodding her head.

"i will defo give this a listen." she said. tossing the cassette into her baby pink basket labeled 'songs to listen to.'

ronnie sighed and star-fished on lolas floor. lola just inhaling sharply and shaking her head at her friends antics.

"what do you think the years gonna be like?" ronnie asked out of the blue. just staring at the ceiling.

lola shrugged her shoulders. "i don't know, the same as last year i guess? but this year we can finally pull out punk band together."

ronnie smiled at the thought of that. shooting up from the floor to look at lola. sitting back into her original position.

"i wonder what the 80s are gonna be like, in almost exactly one year it'll be 1980." ronnie said. lola just shrugged again.

the girls picked out a different vinyl to spin and just listened to it. unbothered as ronnie began painting her nails with a noir black. and lola organizing her makeup.

lola did end up listening to the cassette tape later that night. and of course she loved it. she thought the name was cool too 'cough/cool'.

and her statement about the year being the same as the last was horrifically wrong.

because 4 months later she would move to the random place called castro valley. and what she didn't know was that someone there would change her life. forever.

but lola didn't think of that as she slightly danced to the rhythm of the song. already planning on learning it on bass the next morning.


lola felt a sense of nostalgia again.

the cassette would always remind her of cliff, and how she was so obvious to what was going to happen not even half a year later when she first listened to it.

cliff scoffed. "so it remind you of me?" he asked. raising his brow. lola glared at him. "a lot of things do."

cliff was about to say something when lars came busting in. "did you find it?" he asked out of breath. lola gave him a judgmental look. why the hell is he always breathing heavy?

cliff rolled his eyes. "no sunshine over here distracted me." he said. glaring at her like it was 1984.

she only shoved him as he smirked and kissed her hand.

the duo eventually made their way out of the storage room. sighing together as they saw faye and dylan arguing, kirk and james arguing with them.

"we need to scrap guitar 262." kirk said. writing it down on paper to give the roadies. faye about had a heart attack.

"kirk i've been working on that for 7 hours straight! you can't do this to me!" kirk just massaged his temple. "okay then that's a sign that it need to go." he said. ripping the paper off the notebook and tried handing it to the roadie next to him.

faye yanked it out of his hands before the roadie could even grab it.

crumbling it up and tossing it behind her. "no! i've been trying to save it! i can fix it!" dylan rolled his eyes. "faye let it go." "shut the fuck up dylan!" she screeched.

"hetfield!" she yelled. lola just rolled her eyes and smiled. walking into the kitchen. grabbing the tea bag and rolling her eyes again at the loud bickering.

trying to get a moment of peace. it all seemed to calm down once she started boiling the water. at least in her head.

until the short blonde and short curly haired brunette stormed into the kitchen.

"wanda i told you if you play wonderwall one more time i'm beating your ass!" liv yelled. chasing a wanda who was now locked in the pantry.

liv started slapping her palms on the white wood. signing again as she heard bob now bickering in the living room.

"i don't know why you guys are getting comfortable, this is our week of downtime before we do the second half of the tour!"

everyone in the house groaned.

and started bickering again. lola ignored it as she continued making her lavender tea. and as the chaos unfolded around her.

she realized she wouldn't have it any other way.

and what she would never tell cliff is that she loved when they moved to castro valley now.

because without it, none of this would be happening.

a/n: this chapter made me cry a lil lmao. but there is going to be a small but big i guess? time jump next chapter. also next chapter is gonna be hella heart wrenching but i'm excited for you guys to read it!

vote, comment, follow. <33

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