Gingerstar walked out of the camp with Bluespot and Whitepaw. It was the perfect weather for hunting.
"I'm going to catch a big, fat vole!" Whitepaw squeaked. "You just wait!"
The apprentice perked her ears up and trotted over to a pile of grass.
"Where is she going?" Gingerstar asked Bluespot.
His kin shrugged. "She might've picked up a scent."
Gingerstar sniffed the air. It was a mix of mouse and vole. He followed the trail.
Whitepaw had a mouse dangling from her mouth when the two warriors arrived. "I got a mouse!" She mewed.
"Nicely done," Gingerstar said. "We should get back to camp. I can smell snow coming."
Bluespot followed the patrol back to the camp. Gingerstar was right; it was beginning to snow.
All three cats managed to get back to camp. Bluespot headed for the nursery.
Snoweyes lay down, her kits suckling from her. She looked up when Bluespot went into the den. "Yes?"
"How are your kits?" Bluespot asked.
Snoweyes drew her paw across Sunkit's mane. "They're fine, just loud." She smiled. "And-"
A yowl came from the clearing. It was Gingerstar.
"I have decided to go back to the Clans!" He meowed. "We're going right now."
Bluespot flicked her ears. They had just got here. She sighed and followed Gingerstar, with Snoweyes and her two kits on her heels.
Second book:
Find me
The Forgotten Prophecy: 2/Trouble Within
The Forgotten Prophecy: 1/Fury (Warriors Fanfic)
Fanfiction"Okay, Silver," Beestar meowed to the silver tabby she-cat. "You need to hunt. Go!" Silver opened her mouth, but she ran through the snow. Beestar and Gorsestar jumped onto the pile of sticks. Sharpleaf padded into the All Cats den. Cats were sharin...