Chapter 1-- Who was that girl?

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That is the only word to describe my pathetic excuse for a father.

Parker Enterprises has been a well known business for years, second best in the world, after Melody Enterprises.

My father introduced it to the world a year after I was born, so 23 years ago. New York were amazed by the glamorous hotels and the many, many businesses that started to be made.

It has an amazing reputation up until yesterday. People and businesses around the world respected Parker Enterprises for its wealth and the power that surrounds it. People wouldn't dare disrespect me, my brother or my father, in fear of their business being ruined.

However, last week my father fucked all of my families hard work up. He was arrested for money laundering and having 'inappropriate businesses.' He was caught selling women illegally to gain money.

He would find vulnerable women and use them for prostitution. He would sell them to other business owners. He disgusted me.

Me and my brother had no idea this was going on. Both of us were just as surprised when the police showed up that day and demanded that my father left with them. We basically ran Parker Enterprises, considering my asshole of a father just got pissed out of his mind and hollowed up in his home.

My mother divorced him last year because she caught him cheating on her with his secretary. I seen it coming, but every time I would tell my mother about my concerns she would tell me to stop being ridiculous.

Ever since she left, and is now staying in my holiday home in the Hampton's, he has been depressed and has turned into an alcoholic.

I made sure that it didn't go out to the press about my father's break down, but there were rumours as to why the 'Great George Parker' wasn't seen at any of his company events.

Me or my brother would have to take his place and tell everyone that he has been ill lately, so he couldn't attend. However, I don't think they believed a word coming out of my mouth, they would just nod and start asking questions about the company.

I have now taken over Parker Enterprises, since he was arrested and I hope to do better than he ever did.

The press have been saying that I am only a 24 year old party boy, who hasn't got a clue what he is doing, but what they don't know is that my father has trained me to take over since I was 13. So I know exactly what I am doing, and I will do better than my father.

Yes, I am a party boy. I'm not the typical 24 year old though, I am obviously very rich and I do go out to a lot of clubs to party with my mates and brother, however I am also very focused on my work. I have been prepared to take over this company, so I wouldn't let myself get a bad reputation.

I was now sitting at my desk in my office, sorting through many, many files that my father couldn't be bothered to do.

My suit jacket was thrown over the back of the chair, my tie was hanging loose around my neck and my hair was sticking out all over the place, from where I had ran my hands through it in frustration.

Since I had took over I now had my own office. It was a large room with grey walls and glistening white, tiled floors. My desk stood in front of the big window, showing the view of the New York busy streets.

I looked at my computer and saw that I had an email from my best mate Josh Tyler.

I've known Josh since I was 10. We had basically grown up together and he knew everything about the company and about my father. He has been there for me through everything, and is a party boy, like me.

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