A chat

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We are at a table in a restaurant.

"So what 'cha been up to?" I ask.

"Well," Sari said, playing with her two thumbs looking over to the side. "Been fixing my life."

I raise my brows.

"What did you do?" I ask.

"I made a mistake," Sari said.

"What kinda' mistake?" I ask.

"I went against Magnus's orders," Sari said.

I lower my brows.

"Since when the Elite Guard guys become your authority?" I ask.

"Not who you are thinking, Ivs," Sari said. "Optimus Prime is now Optimus Magnus."

"Explain," I said.

"Optimus leads the Autobots," Sari said.

"Cool," I said. "Redundant; but cool."

Come on, he already leads a group.

Does Optimus like leading two groups or something?

"And I let some Decepticons escape the stockades," Sari said. "I am sorry, it's my dumb mistake that has since made the Autobots stop taking in Techno-Organics into their ranks."

"Hold on," I said, shaking my hands. "Last time I heard you are a human."

Sari shook her head.

"That I am not," Sari said. "I am like you just without the dragon mode."

I stare at Sari for a while.

"Can you transform, Sari?" I finally ask.

"Nope," Sari said.

"Aw," I said. "And I am the only one here who can transform. How sad."

"Ivy," Sari said. "I think you don't get it when I say leader of the Autobots. Optimus is not a leader of a small team. He is like The President in a way without the elections." Sari pauses, intentionally, perhaps waiting for a drum roll. "Optimus is the leader of all Autobots."

I had a short random laugh at the picture formulating in my head.

"President Optimus?" I said, in between my laughter.

"No," Sari said. "Optimus Magnus."

I take a napkin and wipe of my hilarious tears from my red growing face. I held my second finger up cleaning my face. Whenever I am laughing really hard my face tends to turn red outshining my usually pale skin. I am not much of a outside person. I put the wet napkin on a rounded oval tray that is mostly used for a rest stop to place cold drinks on.

"Technically Magnus and President are the same," I said.

"And Sentinel is not a Prime," Sari adds.

"The arrogant big chinny Snow Plow guy?" I ask.

"Yes," Sari said,with a nod.

I had a short laugh.

"About time his attitude caught up!" I said, shaking my head.

"Sentinel has been stationed in Ohio for community service," Sari explains to me. "Funny story about that." She taps her brown fingers on the table ever so lightly. "Sentinel is now called 'Sentinel Minor'; except the whole roles defintion between Minor and Prime has been changed recently."

I sigh.

"Lemme guess; Optimus," I said.

"Yes," Sari said, nodding.

"So the 'Bots are not just here because of 'Con activity," I said.

"Well, and that," Sari said.

I frown putting my right hand under my chin with my right elbow on the table.

"Come on, decide already," I said.

"Sentinel has community service for 1,000 years on Earth," Sari said. "I was at his trial."

I grin taking my hand off my chin and put both hands together in a ball leaning my elbows on the table.

"What did he do?" I ask.

"He allowed the escape of Megatron, Lugnut,and Shockwave," Sari said.

I blink.

"Sorry," I apologize. "But my memory is incredibly rusty on big gate things, screws used in wheels, and the thing that goes when a explosion has gone off escaping."

"Oh right," Sari said, with a sigh. "You never met them."

"Nope," I said. "I was only there for the human based criminals."

"What about Blackarachnia?" Sari asks.

"You know I transfer deadly spiders outside rather than kill them these days,"

Sari is surprised.

"You," Sari said. "The hater of Spiders...Now lets them live?"

"Yes," I said. "Can't exactly go around with a shoe crying 'die' over and over again killing spiders."

"You never met the spider lady," Sari said.

I blink.

"Oh," I said. "So Blackarachnia is a robot."

"Technically a Techno-Organic," Sari said. "Optimus brought her back awhile ago and the science bots are working on a cure."

I sigh.

"You have a wild world, Sari," I said.

"Our worlds will collide," Sari said. "I can count on it. You might meet your first 'Con."

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