Saving me

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My stomach growls.

"Shut up," I said, grabbing hold on to one of the rocks on this dark rugged terrain.

I musta spent an hour climbing because it certainly feels that way.

"You want me to shut up?" Came a angry German voice above.

I look up to see Blitzwing standing two feet away.

I am so screwed to the high heavens.

"Bye," I squeak.

I flee on foot slipping here and there on the rocky terrain ending up getting cuts on my hands. Thank the stars for highly sturdy jeans that don't break in situations like these. The large thuds coming behind made me trip over a rock landing on my side. Ow!, I thought wincing  in dear pain, that hurts. Cold hard metal wraps around my body pressing along my stomach.

Gru--mmble, gru--mble,gruuum-bal.

Don't you dare puke, I thought, I forbid myself to puke!

"Do not insult me, Tech-O!" Blitzwing demands.

I blink.

"You are speaking to my stomach," I said. "There is something wrong with this image."


"Take that back!" Blitzwing orders.

"FEED MEEE!" I demand. "And then I'll think about it!"

"I do not feed bones to Tech-O's," Blitzwing said.

An average person would have just laughed at how 'unfantastic' their life is.

"It is Techno-Organics," I argue.

Grumble,grumble, grumble.

"Call me that again," Blitzwing said.

"Yo' idiot," I said. "You are talking to an organic."

Blitzwing pouts.

"I am talking to your stomach!" Blitzwing said as my stomach grumbles (again).   "Apology accepted."

"That is the lamest come back line I ever heard," I said as Blitzwing put a digit to the side of his helmet.

"Blitzwing to Megatron," Blitzwing said. "I am on a unknown planet off Earth," His optics change directions. "Yes,"  Blitzwing lowers his helm. "I might have gone after the  scout 'bot without the assistance of Venger."

Blitzwing's head changed into a black face with red eyes and a red Jack-O-Lantern mouth.

"Oops!" Blitzwing said. "I meant Ah-venger!"


"Hush before I stir fry you!" Blitzwing threatens me.

I stare at the Decepticon for  a while tilting my head.

"You can't stir fry me," I said, shaking my head.

Blitzwing's face turns into a surprised one and his huge digits (which acted startled) flew off the side of his helm briefly. I straighten my head back to its original position.

"I wasn't talking to you, my lord," Blitzwing said.

Previously,I had some time to myself after meeting that Wolfnight fellow about writing his name correctly.


"Freeze your mouth!" Bltitzwing shouts.

"Freeze--my what?" I said, dumbfounded.

Blitzwing froze my head.


Blitzwing froze me in a block of ice. 'How?' You might ask. There is two shooters on his shoulders similar to tank shooting related pipe line whatever the hell it is called. All right I am calling them 'Shoulder blasters' for short hand.

"Sorry, I was talking to the Conspring," Blitzwing apologizes. "A techno-organic dragon." Blitzwing raises one of his dark optic brows. "Hmm?" His face rotates into a blue one with a red microscope optic.  "You want me to bring Conspring to the base after I get off this planet?"

The unsure look on Blitzwing's faceplate is replaced by a smirk and a look of certainty.

"As you request,"  Blitzwing said,taking his servo off the side of his helmet.

I mumble raising my voice.


The arm shooters shot at the block of ice breaking apart barriers had sealed around me. Brr, do I feel cold! I rub my shoulders feeling shivers travel down. I feel my head knock against the side of Blitzwing's digit landing into darkness. My hunger went on to grumble eventually the hunger is all I can think about. What happened next is a real blur.

That blur clears away.

"Hey you go mud on your face, Decepticon!" I heard Bumblebee.

"Freeze, Autobot!" Blitzwing shouts.


Bumblebee jets out of the way tossing what pieces of rock at the Decepticon. The Decepticon shot after Bumblebee. Bumblebee grabs a large boulder then tosses it up right at the seeker making Blitzwing transform into robot mode. Blitzwing lets go of me where I fall towards the hard rugged ground floor for what is probably impending doom.

Bumblebee catches me.

Blitzwing lands in a hole with the boulder on his back.

"I cooked the lizard for you," Bumblebee said, taking out a dish with a neatly cooked lizard.

I smile.

"Oh Bee," I said, turning my head up towards the black and white Autobot. "How am I ever going to go home?"

"I have a seeker mode, luckily," Bumbebee said.

Grr, that fueled my anger so bad.


"You never asked," Bumblebee said.


"I forgot about it," Bumblebee said, to his defense.

I frown, taking the dish.

"You just don't forget you can fly easily!" I said, taking a bite out of the cooked lizard.

Bumblebee transforms into his vehicle mode with wings blades out of the side.

"When you are me, you can," Bumblebee said.

Napkins appear in my lap where I sat in the passenger seat.

"I dare you to a race when we get back to Earth,"  I said, in between bites.

"You are on," Bumblebee said.

"At least that has not changed," I note.

The End.

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