Decision making

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Not surprisingly I landed in a cell with some strange men after being towed off the streets. I tap my shoes together staring at the ugly ceiling that did not budge an inch in it's utter horribleness. Many of the men had utterly strange fascinations.

"The particulates I found on the body are metal," Weirdo guy said.

"What is particulates?" Bear fan guy asks.

"Line of particles," Weirdo guy said. "I found it on the skull after getting the blow fly's larva off."

I lower my head down finding myself disgusted.

"You are gross," I said.

"I do this for a living," Weirdo guy said.

"Disgusting people?" I ask. "Ew."

"No," Weirdo guy said. "Bugs and dirt. That is my thing. I work for the Jeffasonian."

"Riiiight," I said, feeling tired.

"How did the dead guy fall to his demise?" Bear fan guy asks.

"She didn't fall to her death," Weirdo guy said. "She was knocked unconscious and never woke up. She was eaten by rats."

"Oh my god," Buff guy said, covering his mouth.

"She never felt a thing," Weirdo guy said.

"Why are you here?" Bear fan guy asks.

"Speeding ticket," Weirdo guy said.

"...Seriously?" Bear fan guy asks.

I lean my head to the side then doze off into the comfort of darkness. I land on the wooden plank completely fallen asleep. I am more of a deep sleeper than anything except when it comes to something I have to be on the look out for; specific sounds and noises. My dream mainly consisted of fleeing from a wolf making the sounds of a long extinct dinosaur. In the middle of the dream when it cornered me I lunge up half awake panting with my hands on the wooden plank.

"Your ride is here," A guard said, opening the door.

The weirdo guy and the bear fan guy are not in the cell.

I get up rubbing the back of my aching neck.

Fast forward to me in the car being driven home by my dad. My neck feels stiff and aching as ever. It is a pain in the rear to be part organic so sleeping on something wooden is really not comfortable.

"What did you find out,Ivy?" Dad asks.

I yawn.

"I am really tired,Dad," I said, leaning to the side with my face pressed along the window. "Ask me when I am awake."

_________ ____

...The next day...

..In the kitchen...

"Feel awake now?" Dad asks.

I yawn, my elbow on the table.

"Throw some water on me," I said, sarcastically.

The next I am soaked in water and wide awake.

"Mooooom!" I shout. "I wasn't being serious!"

"Course you were not," Mom said, hiding a bucket behind her back.

I get up from the table with hands balled up in fists.

"They are here because the 'Cons are here!"  I said.  "Now excuse me; I have to get dried off ALL.OVER.AGAIN."

I storm off turning into my dragon mode with my wings curled back. I get a novel pair of ripped jeans, white shirt, sleeveless hoody, panties, and dark socks out of the dresser drawer then march down into the bathroom. I lean over the tub, turn around, and spread open my wings letting lose all the water with a mighty splash. The tub is halfway full of water. I kick the door close with my extended foot making a scratch in the white painting. I turn into my human form.

I dip my hand in taking the plug out of the tub.

I peel off clothes then dump them into a pile near to a mat.

I use a towel to wipe off what hadn't fallen off. My attitude is seriously not the best bright and shy in the morning. It took me five minutes to get on the new pair of clothes. I had my permanent tattoo's covered by my hoody. I walk out of the bathroom with my clothes in a tightly held bag. I go over to the washer then make a straight long cut in the bag that lets go of my belongings. Sure if we have to move again then my Brother sure ain't gonna be forced to come along this time.

"Ivy, we have decided," Dad said.

"This time we are not moving," Mom adds.

I chomp a bite out of a apple.

"And what's the deal?" I ask, chewing with my mouth closed.

"Do not get involved with the Autobots and the Decepticons," Dad said.

"Easy," I said. "Not as interested with them anyhow."

"You said that about getting ear piercings," Mom reminds me.

"Well, they look good on me!" I said, tapping on my  small ear piercings dangling to my ear similar to staples except they are not. "Big difference between life and death tempting."

"Be safe and be cautious," Dad said.

"I always am, Dad," I said, walking out of the room taking another bite out of the apple.

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