How to make a Blitzwing stop chasing an innocent person

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"How are we going to lose 'em?" Christy asks, scared.

"By going to a unmanned patrol car!" I said.

"Wait, really?" Christy asks, struggling to keep up with me.

"Yes, really," I said.

"Cops can't take out robots!" Christy said.

"Robots can take out robots," I said.

"Ivvvvy, do you know something I do not?" Christy asks.

"Yesss," I said, nodding. "Follow my lead!"

Christy lets go then fell down to her knee's.

"Can't...Run...any further!" Christy pants.

"You have left me no choice," I said, transforming into my dragon mode.

Christy is like a freely moving rock except when she has had enough she can't move a inch. Hence the comparison 'A freely moving rock'.  I swoop Christy over my shoulder then run. Christy is screaming pointing in the direction I am running from saying a few words in her native German tongue. Christy, of course, hails from Germany.  I can see out of the corner of my eyes the sight of a tank speeding after quickly ganging up.

"I am getting motion sickness!" Christy complains. "Ooh," She feels my sensitive wings. "Your wings are soo  soft."

"This is the part where you let go of my wings," I said, wincing because of Christy's hands not being handled correctly on my wings. "Wings; transform into Autobot night blare symbol!"

"AH!" Christy shrieks. "I am being blinded by such epic light!"

In the dark sky came a Autobot symbol surrounded by spotlight.

The sounds of wheels squealing against the road pavement.

"You are going to die one of these days by that attitude," I said. "Lights; turn back into wings!"

A large red and black truck appears out of the blue right behind me. When  in my battle mode I can generally run faster than before (Probably because my toes aka toe claws land first on the ground and the way my foot is positioned in dragon format) I made my wings sink into my back leaving only two bumps. I can hear the grumbles of a irritated Christy shaking her fist. I overheard the sound of transforming behind me.

"Ah ha!" Ironhide said. "So it wasn't just Lugnut who got out!"

"FREEZE!" Blitzwing shouts.

Instead I am the one frozen sent flipping over and over.

"In your dreams, Decepticon!" Ironhide said, coating himself in gray material.

Bumblebee  picks up the cube with me and Christy. Bumblebee's large stingers detracted so he drilled in taking a couple steps to the side missing a flung Ironhide. The chilling maniac laughter send goose bumps down my skin.  Bumblebee tore the remaining pieces off ice off me and my fellow wanna be friend Christy. Bumblebee then transforms into his patrol mode ditching me and Christty into the back seat dripping down freezing.

"Brr!" Christy said, rubbing her shoulders. "I am coooolld!"

"My tattoo's are ruined," I complain.

"Ivy," Bumblebee said, in a patient voice. "Why did you get a con on your tail?"

I get up brushing my bangs to the side.

"I do not know," I said.

"Don't lie to me," Bumblebee said.

"I am not lying!" I raise my  voice in sheer anger. "Why am I so important enough that dear old con's have to come after me? I am nothing, ever, nothing special."

"Don't say that, Ivy," Bumblebee said.

"I can say whatever the hell I want," I said, folding my arms turning on my heating systems. My skin is cooled off within seconds and my hair is dry. I put my left leg over my right knee. I glare towards t he mirror.  "Not like you care."

"I do care," Bumblebee said, his words tinged in hurt. "You are special to me."

"Awww," Christy said, scrunching out the water from her hair into the floor board. "Bumblebee has a crush on you."

"No, I do not," Bumblebee said. "We are mutual friends."

Christy has a short laugh.

"Sounds like a secret admirer to me," Christy said.

I rub my forehead feeling irritated.

"Sari--," Bumblebee said, but then he stops himself. "Human,stop it before I say anything else I regret."

"Her name is Christy," I said.

"Christy Bloomington at your service!" Christy said, buckling herself in.

Bumblebee whirrs to the side soon after something had shot right under his wheels. Bumblebee's seatbelt gave out around Christy sending her flying through the windshield landing on the pavement beside a bridge. Christy didn't look too good. Bumblebee lands upside down in his vehicle mode with wheels facing towards the sky and I on the ceiling.

Bumblebee groans.

"Bumblebee, we have to retreat!" Ironhide shouts, running right past really missing Christy's body. "Wild bridge flying!"


"Ow," Bumblebee complains. "My helmet."

I look over seeing a blue flying portal headed our way.

"BUMBLEBEE!" I shriek. "UP, UP,UP!"

"Whyyyyyy Prowl?" Bumblebee asks. "I was just meditating...Why smack my helmet?"

And then we were taken in by the portal.

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