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I see lots of people saying Luke NEEDS a backstory or else hes a bad character,

But they lack the knowledge that the jomies (The most popular charecters rn) have no backstory,

And they also don't realize, not everyone has childhood trauma.

Some people get it when they are adults, not every teenager has abusive family, and gets bullied and almost died getting hit by their 5 year old brothers plastic car.

Luke might have had a few incidents, and scary moments in life that left a scar, But it doesn't mean he has life changing trauma.

And right now Lukes 16. Luke could live till 80 years old, he has a long time to get trauma!

Sure we could get to meet his family, have a few angst or emotional scenes, but Luke doesn't need to be a depressed emo orphan.

He(and alot of REAL LIFE TEENAGERS) can be a bright and happy soul, who has a good family, might've gotten into a car accident, or watched his parents fight and drink, but he doesnt need to have some PTSD scarring traumatizing backstory, that makes him special.

People fetishize Trauma. Not everyone needs a sad depressing backstory. Like, me for example!!! I have shitty family, shitty classmates, i've seen horrible things, but other than that, i'm fucking normal, no PTSD traumatising shit whatsoever. Trauma doesn't make characters special, its just part of a charecter. Luke doesn't need a backstory to be a good character.

Hes human, like everyone else in the serious, and as you've probably observed, alot of them don't have trauma or backstories.

Why? Because not everyone experiences childhood trauma. People experience trauma in life at some point, it doesn't have to be childhood.

Also Jake is a liar 😋

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