drake rant

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I don't understand how people think Drake is better than Lander..

If Jake and Drew started dating, Drew would be putting Jake down constantly, and control who he hung out with, taking his phone, and judging his friends.

I also feel like whenever Drew would get mad at Jake he would smack him.

But its not just Drew who has cons. Jake would most likley bring up the past constantly to use it against him, and whenever Drew talked about someone Jake would tell him not to talk about them, even if they hurt Drew in some way.

This relationship would honestly not work.

Now Lander.

Its a really healthy relationship. In episode 11 we can really see how they care about eachother. Luke telling Zander to text him if he got in trouble while looking for Hailey, in episode 1 I think??? Luke threatend that Jake would have to deal with him if he hurt Zander.

In episode 5, when Zander sees Luke kissing Stacy, bis first action was to not say anything, and run away to not bother Luke, even crying in the process.

Mostly its Luke who's over protective, but throughout the episodes you can tell Zander really cares for Luke aswell.

I didn't really have alot of input on this,

I just wanna know how Lander is more toxic than Drake???

Also why do people ship Laisy...Luke and Daisy haven't made one interaction in the whole series 😭

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