more vents oml!? 🤯🤯🤯

124 4 6

Yall my uncle and grandma are at it again <3

Ight so my grandmother bought me a new bedframe, as we were building I got frustrated because I couldnt find a screw and I complained a bit, she got pissed off, started yelling and said "I can never get sleep around here" and I said "but you do everyday"(rude of me, I will admit.) She got even worse, told my dad she couldn't put up with me anymore and a whole bunch of bullshit, called me even more names, threatend to put me in foster care(idk how thats gonna work tbh), mocked my dad, then my cat got into the screws SHE left on the table, I started putting them away, she got angry and said "oh, now theyre gonna be all unorganized!" And I said "where else am I supposed to put them!?" And got the response of "I dont give a shit, throw them out the window for all I care." THEN THEN she tells me shes gonna take me home, then I ask if my dad ever responded to her text(assuming she said she was dropping me off) she said she didn't care and that she had to get up in the morning but instead she was dealing with me, I responded with "he gets up earlier than you do." He gets up at 3AM, she gets up at 5AM. She got pissed and denied it, saying she got to walmart before him, she doesnt even know what shes talking about for fucks sake! My dad works for coca-cola and has to go to 4 different towns to stock their products at walmarts/dillons etc. he goes to two or three of them on wed-sat

I didnt really say anything, she just told me to sleep on the goddamn floor and I asked why she messaged my dad if she wasnt gonna do it, only to be told she never texted him about dropping me off! Then she proceeds to basiclly say shes kicking me out and turning my room into a guest bedroom, I ask what shes gonna do with the bedframe that we were working on, and she tells me i'm unbelievable without answering the question!


Also is it bad I only feel better when I relate my problems to Zanders?

Yes!? Ah shit

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