-Being a Zander fan-

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I was miserable and scared to post fanart of Zander and or even talk about him or lander on Rosys discord, as I was always shut down because "he needs to listen to Jake!" Or "Zander needs a taste of his own medicine." Or "I dont ship it! Toxic lol"

I remember being very nervous to download wattpad, but now I think I made a good choice.

Everyone here accepts me, and I've even made new friends, I've also been able to talk about zander without being shut down, but more, lifted up by other people who love him too. I'm glad yall understand what Jake did wrong and aren't making Zander the villan in every single fanfic you make, and everyone respects your opinion instead of fighting over it.

TMF wattpad, is awesome 😭💜

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