• Chapter Eighteen •

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"I believe you." I say quietly, "I would be able to tell if you were lying."


"I suppose I owe you a quirk explanation anyways." I turn off the music playing through my earbuds, "I can sense, manipulate, and transform energy. I can see auras and chakras, which is why I can understand what colors look like. Auras fluctuate based on a person's mood, and when someone's lying, their aura tends to take on a slight brownish-yellow tone that shows an intent for deception. I can transform one form of energy into another, as long as the total amount of energy stays constant in some way. In other words, I can't just create more energy. I can, however, draw energy from my own chakra to create a physical manifestation of it—it's dangerous and draining for me, though. That's why I passed out at the USJ, I'd exhausted my internal energy too much for my body to work properly. So by using energy from my body to fuel energy for my quirk, I risk harming my body. That's why I try to only use my chakra in bad situations." I fold my hands in my lap. Talking about my quirk makes me more aware of all the energy around me. Especially the combustion reactions happening that run this vehicle.

"Can you control the internal energy of others?" Bakugou asks.

"If I touch them, yes. I have to be close enough to sense the exact chakra flow in their body. From a distance, I sense chakra as more of a cloud surrounding a person. When I get close, I can sense the flow within their body and in individual parts of the body. That's why I stopped your quirk that one time." I scratch the back of my neck, "Chakra is what helps fuel strength and especially quirks like yours. So, by disrupting your chakra flow, I can temporarily stop your quirk from working. I can also use chakra flow manipulation to heal, though I'm not as well-practiced in that. By theory, if I can focus chakra flow towards a single injury, I can significantly heal said wound. I don't like to mess with chakra in other people. It's dangerous, one wrong move can cause me to drain the literal life energy from a person, resulting in a horrifying death."

"Shit." Bakugou leans back in his seat, "I need to rethink how I'm going to beat you."

I nod thoughtfully, "From a working-together standpoint, our quirks are a good pairing. But it's an unfortunate match up for you from a one-on-one standpoint. You rely on energy for your quirk, and I can control that. I've got a huge advantage." I smirk, "It'll be interesting to see how you plan to beat me, sparky."

"Shut up. I'll figure it out." We sit in silence, Bakugou seeming deep in thought. It's amusing and honestly, somewhat impressive. He truly is determined to be the best. For that, I can't help but have the utmost respect. He clears his throat, "Who in our class would be the hardest quirk match up for you? Whose quirk would you not want to go against?"

I pause to think about it. Anyone who doesn't use tangible energy is a little harder.

I tap my fingers against the armrest of my seat, "People with mutation quirks are a little harder to deal with, but I've trained martial arts so long I can hold my own against them." I hum, "I guess I would say Todoroki. His fire is something my quirk can control, but his ice...it could spell disaster for me."

"Ugh. Stupid IcyHot." Bakugou scoffs, "What about his quirk is so special?"

"Did you notice when I overused my quirk yesterday, I was feverish?"

The boy pauses, "I did. It wasn't a small fever either. You were burning up. Shit was unnatural."

"When I overuse my quirk, I lose the ability to regulate my body temperature. Because temperature also correlates with energy, draining my energy can cause me to lose control of that automatic regulation. I either overheat or freeze, depending on the energy I'm using and my surroundings. Using my chakra to create external heat energy causes my body temperature to decrease. But manipulating a heat energy source can cause my body temperature to rise." I laugh to myself, "I don't really understand it myself. But I know that the contrast of Todoroki's quirk would disorient my quirk and quickly raise the danger of my body temperature falling out of balance. On top of that, sensing an ice attack is harder for me to sense without sight." I shrug, "Todoroki would be a tough opponent, I don't know if I could beat him."

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