Chapter 9

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( two weeks later )

Error's POV:

It's been two weeks since Ink offered to make a truce. I've been doing some...thinking since then. "Error?" I'm honestly not sure if I should accept or not. I really do like him, but he's also my enemy and I don't even want to know how the others would react. "Error." Nightmare would be absolutely pissed if I accept. I- "ERROR." I was snapped out of my thoughts by a farmmiliar voice.

I look to my side where Nightmare is sitting. Oh yeah I was in his castle. I forgot. "Oh, sorry. I must have zoned out. What were you saying again?"-I ask. "You doing alright? You've been awfully quiet for the past few days."-he asks. Damn. He cares about my well being? Since when? "I'm fine, Nightmare."-I reply. "You sure? Me and the others are getting quite concerned about you."-he asks. They too? Well that's a lie. They're some cruel ass bitches. They're treating me like I'm some kind of a weapon. Why the fuck would they care? "Yeah. I'm sure."-I answer. "Okay...Are you really su-" "Nightmare."-I cut him off. He chuckles. "Okay, okay geez."-he says." any plans for today?"-he asks. "Yeah. My brothers want to have a 'brotherly bonding day' with me."-I say. That was a lie. Today I am going to do something important.

Today I am going to accept Ink's offer and make a truce with him.

"Oh, I see."-he replies. "Yeah. I gotta go now."I stand up make a portal to the Anti-Void. "See ya." I then go through the portal and close it behind me. Okay that's done, now for the harder part. Actually going to Ink's AU and talking to him. "Error?" This is going to be hard for an introvert wish social anxiety like myself. "Error?~" But I know I can do this. I got this. I- "Error." I was snapped out of my thoughts AGAIN by another farmmiliar voice.

I turn to my side to see Ink standing there, hands behind his back, a bright smile on his face...Dear God this is going to be fun..."Oh. It's just you."-I say. "Yeah, hi"-he greets me. "Hey. What are you doing here?"-I ask. "I wanted to see if you thought at least a little about my offer. So did you?"-he asks. Okay that's it. I didn't even need to bring it up. "Yes. I have actually."-I answer. "And?"-he asks. "I think...I think I'm going to accept."-I reply. He smiles warmly at me. "Yay!" Then he...hugs me. "GAH-"


{ YES }

( Time skip to when Ruru reboots )






I open my eyes and blink a few times. "Ah, you finished rebooting." I look over to my right to see Ink sitting down, legs crossed, holding a sketchbook and a pencil in both of his hands. "You touched me."-I say. "Yeah sorry about that. I kinda forgot you have Haphophobia, heheh..."-he replies. "Yeah, if you want this friendship to last you need to follow two simple rules. Rule number one, don't touch me. Rule number two, keep this truce a secret." "Got it!" He then smiles. "Good...Okay now what?"-I ask. I genuinely don't know what to do next. "Hmm...Wanna go to Outertale and hang out there?"- he offers. "Yeah. Sure."-I answer.

Word count: 624

Hi loves. It's been another week. I'm currently on a vacation with my family and that's why I haven't uploaded in so long. Sorry about that. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bye loves<33

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