Chapter 25

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Error's POV:

I froze as I heard the voice, not daring to look back. I looked at Ink, he was also frozen. I gulped. I could already feel Nightmare's glare on me. He walked closer. "Error, look at me when I speak to you."- he said. I slowly let go of Ink and turned around. 'Shit...'- I thought to myself.

Before I could say anything, I was pulled into a portal back to the castle by a tentacle. I hissed at the sudden contact, falling down as I was let go of. Nightmare looked down at me with a scrawl. "Error, could you perhaps remind me of what we talked about just mere days ago?"- he asked. I shook my head. "I don't know honestly, my brain kinda turns off while listening to you."- I replied. I wasn't even trying to he cheeky or anything, like, I literally don't fucking remember.

Nightmare huffed and stepped closer. "Don't. Trust. The enemy."- he said. I slowly nodded. "Ohh, yeah that... So, uh about that. Uhm, it wasn't what it looked like."- I told him. He crossed his arms. "You were holding his hand?" I scoffed. "No, HE was holding MY hand. That's different."- I replied.

Ink's POV:

After Nightmare snatched Error away, I went back to the Star Sanses headquarters. I just have to hope Error doesn't get his ass beaten too hard... With a sigh, I sat down on the couch and set my Broomie beside me. Dream walked downstairs, raising an non-existent eyebrow as he sat down next to me. "Ink? What's wrong?"- he asked.

I let out another sigh, silking into the couch. "I tried to talk to Error today..."- I replied. Dream nodded. "And?" I groaned, rubbing my templates. "Your brother snatched him away before I could get answers, and now he's in trouble because of me..."- I said. Dream sat up. "Oh, dear..."- he mumbled, looking back at me. "Well, I'm sure he's fine."- he answered.

Word count: 333

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