Chapter 17

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Still Error's POV:

It had been two weeks since Ink and I made the truce. Everything was pretty peaceful. No more fights about the AU's. No more bruises and broken bones. Everything was all fine and dandy. That was pretty goddamn suspicious, but nothing bad had happened so far, so.

This morning was the same as the others. I was making yet another puppet, when suddenly I heard this loud, irritating voice...

Ink's POV:

Today, I decided to bug the fuck out of Error! And so, I did just that! I made an Ink puddle on the floor and jumped through, appearing in the Anti-Void.

I looked around and spotted my favorite glitchy boy, then began happily skipping to him. "Oh, Errooor!"- I called out.

He groaned and looked back at me. "What do you want, you rainbow asshole?"- he asked in an annoyed tone as he fixed up his glasses... Wait, he has glass?

I quickly sat down beside him with a curious extension. "Woaaaah! Since when do you have glasses? Why didn't I know you had glasses??"- I asked.

Error rolled his eye lights and took off the glasses. "I don't want to. They look stupid."- he said. I gasped. He really is blind! "Nonsense! You look so handsome!"- I replied as I patted his cheek.

Error flinched, then turned back to me as he began to glitch out. Well, more than usual, that is. "DON'T- DON'T T-TOUCH ME!"- he yelled as he backed away.

I laughed and scooted away a little. "Okay, okay! Sorry, Glitchy. My bad."- I giggled. He scoffed and looked away. "I have specifically told you not to touch me, you fucking idiot."- he said with a slightly glare.

I chuckled and rubbed the back of my neck. "Erm, I forgot..."- I admitted. He shrugged and rubbed the sides of his skull. "You are one of the most irritating Sanses I've met, you know that?"- he asked. I nodded with a smile. "Yup."- I replied.

Word count: 336

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