Chapter 19

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Error's POV(Five minutes later):


Rebooting Finished


I looked around. "Ink..?"- I called out. He's gone. Huh... Well, that's that. He's just gone I guess. Good for him. Good for me. I laid down with a sigh... Wait a a minute. Wait a damn minute! He kissed me! He KISSED me! OH, MY FUCKING CREATOR!

I covered my face with my hands, feeling my cheekbones get hotter... Wait, how the fuck can I blush if I don't have blood? Or skin? What...

[ Stop having an existential crisis and get on with the story ]

Shut the hell up, you flat ass biscuit. Then I heard the sound of confetti being popped, so I looked up. There was a Fresh Poof. Oh, fuck me... "Yo, wassup, big brah!"- Fresh said with a laugh. He paused then raised an eyebrow. "Why are ya blushin'?"- he asked. I sighed. "It's nothing. What do you want?"- I replied.

Fresh huffed. "Come on, brah! I wanna know! What's got you so red?"- he paused. "...Well, technically yellow. But still! Tell meeeee!"- he whined. I rolled my eye lights. "No, (FUNK) off. It's personal."- I answered. He then began to shake me. "C'moooon! Pleaaaaaase!"- he cried out.

I groaned, then pushed him away. "FINE, OKAY!"- I yelled with a sigh. I covered my face with my scarf as I looked away. "I kissed Ink..." My younger brother stared at me with a flabbergasted look on his bony face as he took off his sunglasses. After a moment, he finally answered. "YO, WHAT!?"- yelled Fresh.

I sighed and hid my face completely. Fresh tried to take the scarf off my face. "Bro, really? You and Inky bruh?? I thought you hated that guy!"- he exclaimed. I pushed him away with a grunt. "Shut up, shut up, shut up! Shut the (HECK) up!"- I yelled. Fresh covered his mouth. "Bro... Wait, you're one of 'em fruity fellas??"- he asked me as he put his glasses back on.

I paused for a moment... "...Man, shut your (BEACH BUTT) up! Ain't nobody asking you!"- I yelled again. "¡Estúpido culo de perra!" Fresh gasped. "Who are you calling a (BEACH), you glitchy prick!"- he yelled back.

Ink's POV:

So, it's been a few minutes since I left the Anti-Void... But now, I'm just hearing someone bickering? "[Insert Fresh and Error arguing in Spanish here]"- they yelled at each other. Huh... Well, I got no clue what they're saying, but anywho.

Word count: 425

[ Yoooooo, guess who came crawling out of their dark abyss yet again ]

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