Chapter 12

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Error's POV:
"Wait, wait, wait. I think I misheard you. I'm over 500, my hearing's bad anyway."- Nightmare said as he looked back at me. "Night, I actually did make a truce with Ink."- I replied. Nightmare stared at me in disbelief. "You fucking WHAT."- he exclaimed. "Why the FUCK would you do that?!"- he asked me. "Are you planning to betray me!?"- he continued.

I sighed. "Nightmare-" He cut me off again. "Shut the FUCK up! Why the hell would make a truce with him!?"- he yelled. "Look, it wasn't my idea. Ink came to me and suggested the truce some time ago."- I told him. "I just saw an opportunity to stop this was between our teams."- I continued.

Nightmare sighed and rubbed the sides of his skull. "I can't believe you've done this."- he said as he looked at my face. "What are you going to do now that you have a truce with him?"- he asked, calming down a little. I shrugged my shoulders. I wasn't sure myself. "I actually don't know. I can't really destroy AU's because of the truce."- I replied.

Nightmare raised an non-existing eyebrow at me. "Wait, what? What conditions did you even agree on?"- he asked. I rubbed the back of my neck. "Uh, basically if he doesn't create more AU's, I won't destroy them."- I answered. Nightmare sighed once again. "Oh, great. I lost one of my most valuable men to someone with the memory span of a goldfish."- he grumbled.

Wait, what? "Wait, I'm actually important to you?"- I asked him. Nightmare nodded. "Yes, why?"- he asked back. Nah, he's gotta be lying. "For real??"- I asked him once again. Nightmare nodded. "Yes, I value you as a person and my friend, Error."- he said. Damn, somebody actually likes me! Goddamn! I stayed silent for a moment before slowly nodding. "Thank you..."- I answered.

Nightmare nodded once again, looking confused as ever. "You're welcome, I suppose?"- he shrugged. "So, uh, are you free right now?"- he asked. I shook my head. "Nah, I'm feeling kinda tired. I'm gonna head back."- I said. He nodded. "Alright then."- he waved. "Goodbye."

I waved back. "Bye, Night."- I answered before I teleported back to the Anti-Void.

I teleported back to the Anti-Void... Wait, why the fuck is the Squid here?

Word count: 394

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