Chapter- 5

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Cale was now contemplating his life decisions looking at the raging ocean in the glooming winter.

Surrounded by the very group of people he decided to avoid.

You might be wondering what happened.


After that incident the group tried to approach Cake and befriend him. Most of the time he either ignored them or avoided them.

But we all know how much everyone loves Cale. His short peaceful life didn't last long.

One day randomly, the blue haired boy, Yoo Chunyoung sat beside Cale. The seat belonged to Choi Han but he was out to buy somethings.

Chunyoung sat down, with his earphones in his ears. He just plopped on the desk like Cale and closed his eyes.

It was a very warm day and there was this chilly feeling coming from Chunyoung. So didn't say anything and closed his eyes to sleep, enjoying the coldness coming from the boy.

After that whenever there was no one in the class and the seat beside Cale was empty, Chunyoung would always sit on it.

Eventually Chunyoung started talking to him. He said he liked how Cale didn't looked at him with expectant gaze or demanded anything from him like others.

Cale felt bad for the kid and would occasionally talk to him.

Cale liked the boy's quiet nature so he would occasionally help him in academic questions and other things.

Seeing how he tutored Chunyoung, Ham Dan-I also decided to try a shot and asked Cale about a question she and Yeoryong didn't understand.

Dan-I was afraid of approaching Cale because of his stoic face and how he would usually ignore everyone.

But to her surprise, Cale explained her very patiently and thoroughly. His explanation was so good that she understood the question the first time. This was a big achievement for her brain.

Dan-I then would always go to Cale if she didn't understand anything, and without getting annoyed he would explain it very patiently.

She understood that so well that she even scored full marks in that test. She happily went around telling everyone about her first 100 in the test.

Her parents were surprised too. They even asked if she cheated. Dan-I was very offended at that remark and told the truth.

Her parents ever since started worshipping Cale hoping that he will continue helping her so she won't fail the class.

Unfortunately for her, due to Cale's busy schedule thanks to teacher making him vice president he didn't had much time for her.

That vice president title was something that Cale got thanks to the praises Kwon Eunhyung sang in front of the teacher.

When Cale go to know that he became vice president, he almost cursed out aloud.

Yeoryong was very clingy to him and Dan-I. Though she physically didn't touched him but she would always hover over him. She even fought with Choi Han and Chunyoung to decide who'll sit beside Cale.

Eun Jiho came around too.

The most interesting encounter Cale had was with Woo Ju-in.

Cale had spent years on battlefield. He can distinguish between good and bad people.

To Cale, Juin falls in the dangerous category. He could tell that Juin had a twisted nature.

But regardless Cale decided to confront him, especially after learning that he has a rare condition, mutating his brain so he can remember things very accurately and for long periods of time.

Cale too had such a thing, his record ability. He knows how painful it can be to remember everything, especially if they were bad memories.

"You can't wear this mask for your lifetime. One day it'll fall down. The things you've pent up will blown up like a volcano. That'll hurt not only you but also the poeple who loves you."

Cale decided to confront him one day.

"I know you're scared about people hating you leaving you if they know the real you. You think they'll feel disgusted when they see your real nature. But you forgot one thing."

He didn't wanted the kid to stay in contant state of delusion he created to defend himself. It won't be good for his mental health especially since he's so young.

"The people who truly love you will love you regardless anything. You just have to take the first step."

Cale said looking into his eyes.

Woo Juin's eyes now were not smiling like usual. They were full of hurt, fear pain and sadness.

"You're saying them only because you don't know what I've done. After you learned that, you'll-"

"Then tell me"


"Tell me so I can know"


Juin then told his whole story about how his mother used to gamble and how he was used to help her. And how he couldn't say anything during her trail. He told Cale everything.

After telling him, Juin didn't dare to look at Cale.

He was afraid that Cale will look at him with disgust.

He was waiting for Cale to speak some harsh remarks but suddenly he felt a hand on top of his head.

"It's ok, it wasn't your fault. You were just a child."

Juin was shocked. He whipped his head up and looked at Cale. Cale's eyes held no contempt. Not even an ounce of negativeness, there wasn't even a trace of pity or anything.

His eyes weren't judging him or anything. They were clear.

There wasn't anything except his image in his clear jewel like reddish brown eyes.

"You didn't do anything wrong. The one's at fault were adults. You are a victim too. You aren't dirty, it's the adults around you that were disgusting. In fact you're quite brave to experience this situation and to still be able to live happily."

Cale stroked his head gently.

"I admire your courage"

Woo Juin has never heard someone say such words to him.

He felt his walls cracking and tears running down his face. He lunges and hugged Cale and started crying out loud.

Finally someone said he wasn't disgusted but instead admired his will to live a happy and normal life.

That day Juin cried his heart out in front of Cale.

Even though he was crying his heart was full of warmth.

After hours of crying he finally calmed down.

Hai face was full of tears and snot. He was ashamed of it but Cale ignored his embarrassment and wiped his face using his hand kerchief like he would to Raon.

"Don't think you're dirty. Cz if you're dirty then I'm even worse than trash. You can come to me if anyone won't like you. I can accommodate one more person, I'm very rich."

Cale said haughting his wealth.

Juin burst out laughing.

Cale was confused as to why he was laughing but he decided to ignore it seeing how happy the boy looked.

Since that day, Juin started calling Cale hyung.

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