uh oh

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so i'm backkkk, sorry about the random disappearance and this short chapter. I'll be back in the next few days with another full chapter....promise


Lilly slept soundly for the entire ride back. I stayed awake because, well the driver could've been a creep. He was nice enough though, he didn't talk, just let the soft radio fill the silence. 

He pulled up and I paid because Lilly was by now deeply sleeping. I shook her so she was awake enough to step out of the car, and guided her to her trailer. 

After I put her to bed I stumbled to my own trailer and collapsed on the bed. Asleep before my head hit the pillow. 

Time Skip to Morning

When I woke up, I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that had settled in my stomach. There were no new messages from either of my parents, but I had a suspicion that they hadn't quite given up. 

I dragged myself out of bed and threw on Lizzie's hoodie that I still hadn't returned. Scarletts grey one lay on the edge of the bed and somehow I doubted that I'd be giving that back anytime soon. 

I quietly made my way out and towards HQ. As I stepped in I could tell a fresh pot of coffee had been made. I quickly scanned the room and spotted Lizzie curled up on the sofa with a book in her hand, and a steaming mug sat on the table in front of her. 

She looked up as I walked over, smiling once she saw it was me.

"Good morning Y/n".
"Morning Liz".

She scooted over and patted the small space beside her for me to join. I squeezed in, resting my head on her shoulder. She picked up her book again and started reading out loud. I simply sat quietly and listened, her voice sending a comforting wave over me. 

She read a few chapters, then closed the book, rubbing her thumb along my hand. 

"Is everything okay?", she sounded concerned, and her brows furrowed. 
"Your parents haven't gotten to you have they?"
"No-no" I assured her, "They haven't contacted at all actually, that's the worrying thing"
"They won't do anything Y/n, they can't"

I nodded silently in response.

"Is there anything I can do?", she asked me. I tapped the book she had closed and she laughed lightly, but picked it up again and kept reading.

She read to me for about another hour until others started filing in for breakfast. Cara came in at one point and looked at me cuddled up to Lizzie.

"You ready to get back to filming today kid?"
"Yup" I responded and she gave me a thumbs up before walking off.

The rest of the morning slowly rolled by, I got properly dressed and had some toast then went down to set. 

Lilly was already there waiting for me and when she saw me she came running up to give me a hug. 

"You best go, Downey and Evans have been waiting for ages". I thank her and rush over.

It wasn't as big of a day as it normally is, but by the end of it I was still tired and ready for bed and it was only 5 pm. Lilly was still filming when I went back to my trailer, ready to crash on my bed, when I saw a note taped to the front of my door. 

Y/n, we have emailed the producer of the film requesting your permanent removal. You are expected back home, your father and I have decided you clearly aren't mature enough to manage a full-time job in a healthy way. Once she has gotten back to me, I will personally come and pick you up in the next few days,


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