home sweet home

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When I was out of their sight, I burst out into a run and headed straight for HQ, where I knew both Scarlett and Lizzie were.

When I burst in they both turned to look at me.
"Hey Y/n we're ju- Y/n?" Lizzie asked, seeing my face.

"She's here", as soon as I started to talk I could feel the lump in my throat and the tears started to roll down my face. 

"Aw hun", Lizzie said as they both ran over to me. "Whose here?", she asked, gently squeezing my arm. 

"M-mum", The two women both froze, waiting for me to continue. "She's t-taking me home, she's packed my things I'm leaving n-now I had to come and say goodbye". 

I collapsed into Lizzie who was in front of me and hugged her tight.  

Everything I was afraid of happening, happened.

 I finally pulled back and Lizzie and Scarlett looked at each other, in that moment I knew they were at a loss. 

"Y/n, we need more time, but I promise we will do something". I could see Scarlett was trying frantically to think of something and she looked so stressed. 

"No, It's okay", somehow I composed myself fairly quickly and gave Scarlett a hug too. "Please don't worry about it, I'll be okay, I'm only with my parents after all". They both exchanged confused looks at my sudden change of attitude. 

I waved and gave them a small smile before leaving and headed back to where mum and Cara were talking. 

"Y/n! No please wait just let u-" Their shouts faded into the distance as I kept walking. Cara turned around as she heard me. 

"Y/n! That was fast, listen I've spoken to your mother and she says she has a fund set up for you to access when your 18, so I'll transfer it to there, she's given me the account details".

I shot a confused look at my mum who smiled at me and nodded towards Cara, gesturing for me to say thank you. 

I knew there was no fund.

"Thank you so much, and it's been so much fun filming so thank you for everything here as well". I genuinely appreciated it, I mean I literally got to live like a movie star. She gave me a short hug, insisting it was nothing. 

Then I got into the car with mum, and just like that, we drove off. 

"I'm glad you're coming home, this situation just wasn't working", Mum pointed out. 

"Hmn", I hummed. 

I started to regret how I'd acted towards Elizabeth and Scarlett, but they were both so stressed and worried, and I had caused that. I couldn't explain the guilt that I felt on seeing them so upset, knowing I was the reason why. 

I am the problem, and that's why I needed to go. 

Besides, I had done everything they needed me for, at least at this stage. Still, I felt even more guilty for how I left it. But I think I'll be okay because I know that it was the right thing to do. There's no point in dragging everyone down with me. 

We get home and mum helps me load my things out of the car and into my room. 

Dad comes in and gives me a hug. "Good to have you back love".

When night finally came, I found myself downstairs, eating dinner with my mum and dad, like nothing had ever changed. Except for my hoodie, I was wearing Lilly's hoodie. 

"Right well it has to be brought up", Dad finally broke the silence. "You never gave us the money you promised?".

There was a silence at the table. They were already getting everything else I earned sent to their personal banks, how was that not enough? I only kept about $50 that I spent on my night out with Lilly.

"Well?", he demanded. Mum put down her knife and fork and looked at me expectantly. 

"I forgot", I said helplessly.
Which, judging by the way they reacted, they seemed to hear as "I hate you both and I will fail at life and I'm determined to bring dishonor to this family. I only care about money and my phone and you both can go to hell".

Anyway, after they took my phone and sent me up to my room in disgrace, They both came in an hour later to inform me that I'll be going back to school tomorrow. Because life just wasn't being cruel enough apparently. 

Unbelievable. My day started with having breakfast with people I absolutely adore and filming for a movie and has ended with me back to being home. 

Not to mention, later that night, I was telling mum about all the things I did on set and she just kept reading her book, nodding occasionally but I knew she wasn't really listening.

"Oh, and I got excellence in my history", I pointed out when dad walked into the room as well. Both of them stayed silent. 

"And I was top of the class in Law". Nothing.

"I made some new friends on set as well". Mum looked up at that and I waited for her response. 

"Is that your cup on the table?"
"The mug on the table. Is it yours?".

I turn around and see the cup that I finished a few minutes ago.

Mum let out a deep sigh and shook her head slowly. 
"I'll put it away I was just-"

"You never pick up after yourself do you? You just expect me to constantly pick up after you. You never treat me with respect it's all about you isn't it. Well excuse me your majesty let me get that for you".
She snatched the cup off the table and left the room. 

Later that night
A sick feeling settled in my stomach. I wanted to message Lilly...and Scarlett...and Lizzie. I wanted to say sorry, for dragging them into the shitstorm that is my life. 

I let out a long sigh. It was dark out now and both parents were fast asleep in their room. I stand at the end of my bed and sink down, hugging my knees. 

I want all my secrets back. I don't want anyone to know anything about me anymore. 

I made a mistake, and now I have to live with the consequences. I regret it, I really do. And I'm sorry.

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