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The morning sun blinds me through the curtains I forgot to close last night. The faint smell of coffee tells me that Dads already up. I open one of the bags I hadn't gotten round to unpacking and much to my delight, Lizzies hoodie was neatly folded on top, mum must've thought it was mine.

I put it on and Lizzies comforting vanilla perfume hugged me, and I couldn't help but smile. The happy feeling didn't last long though, because as I went downstairs Dad smiled at me and said the dreaded words. "Ready for school?".

I decided on wearing Lizzies hoodie for the day, and got myself ready, packing my bag and brushing my teeth. When the bus pulled up I noticed an odd silence fill the air as I stepped on. 

I took a seat up front and started to put in my headphones. 

"Oi, Y/n!", Some kid in the back row yelled. "You're famous now, can you give me Scarlett Johanssons number?". A bunch of kids started laughing and I heard a few 'oh yeah's', and she's hot'. 

I ignored them and the rest of the ride was pretty quiet. When I finally got to school I was headed for maths, when a familiar voice called my name. 

"Y/n!". I turned around in shock. Lillys smiling face was beaming at me. 

"LILLY". I ran over to her and tackled her in a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm your double idiot, your characters finished all the scenes...my characters finished all the scenes"

"Ooh", I was grinning stupidly but it was so nice to have her there. 

As it turned out I had her in a lot of my classes, much to my delight. "I was dreading today but you might just make it bearable".

Time Skip to the end of the day

I got off the bus, finally, that thing is a ride from hell. My day hadn't been all that bad. Everyone kept talking to me, which was a very bizarre experience for someone with my social status. But Lilly was there in almost every class, except for History, where I had some of my old friends. 

So really it wasn't that bad, but I know I'd still so much rather be on set again. 

I finally got my phone back, and saw there were some messages from Scarlett and Lizzie. 

Charlies Angels

Y/n we're so sorry
We didn't do anything and we should've 

We will fix this my love

A few weeks later

"Y/n", Abbey held out her hand and I offered her some Oreos. She was new to the school and started hanging out with me and Lilly a few days ago. I chucked the last few in the packet to Lilly, who was sprawled out on the grass in the school field with her eyes shut. 

The bell rang 5 minutes later and I looped my arm through Lillys' waving goodbye to Abbey as we walked to English. We were waiting outside the classroom when Lilly let out a small gasp. She was looking down at her phone and I leaned over her shoulder to get a good look. 

An email had been sent to both of us from Cara. 

Hi girls, I hope you're both doing well. Unfortunately, about two weeks worth of footage has gone missing, we suspect it to be a storage issue but I have to request you both on set again. You two can share a trailer for the two weeks, then you're free to go back home. I've contacted both of your parents and organized for you to be picked up at suitable times throughout the week. So sorry for the inconvenience, but I'm looking forward to seeing you both again. 

Kind regards, Cara Williams.

I slapped Lilly's shoulder excitedly. "We're going back!", and she smiled hugely at me. 

"Two weeks worth of footage, that was our hard work", she shook her head but she was still smiling. 

"Two weeks I'll happily repeat"
"Of course you will", she laughed "You get to see Scarlett and Lizzie again"
"And you get to see Hemsworth, so we're both winning".

A few days later (we're gonna ignore the amount of time jumps in this chapter)

I smiled at my packed bags waiting by the door for Eric to come and pick me up. Safe today neither of my parents were pleased with this new arrangement, but the contract was signed and they can't really do anything about it.

Eric pulls up, this time in his blue Camri, and I jump up, never been so excited to see his face. Mum and dad don't even wake up in time so say goodbye, and to be honest I don't mind that much. 

"Hey Y/n, excited to be going back?", he asked lifting my suitcase into the back.

"You have NO idea". 

I hopped into the front seat and to my absolute delight I saw that Eric had bought me a McChicken and a Coke from Maccas. 

I thanked him and happily munched, as well as pick the songs as he let me DJ. When we stopped at the gas station I saw him come out with two iced teas and two ice creams, this dude is the nicest person. 

When we were about halfway there I finally decided to message Scarlett and Lizzie. I hadn't responded to them since their messages a few weeks ago. I know, I know I should've, and I knew they were trying their best in a difficult situation, but I felt so bad for putting them in that situation in the first place that I've managed to gaslight myself into thinking messaging them is a bad idea. 

But considering I was on the way back there seemed no harm. Besides, the last thing I want is to see them but not talk to them. 

Charlie's Angels

I'm coming home 💗

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