Two - The New Kids

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Season 2 Episode 1 Part 2: MadMax

October 30th, 1984

"I don't want to go to school." Max grumbled, Eve sitting beside her in Max's bedroom, Eve reassuring her.

"I used to say that a lot, but once I went to school I met a lot of friends, maybe you'll meet some too." Eve rubbed circles along Max's back comfortingly.

"I don't need friends." Max crossed her arms.

"Friends are nice to have." Eve smiled at Max's eyeroll.

"Friends are a liability and can be exploited." Max countered, rolling her skateboard on the floor.

"If you have the wrong ones, then yeah, but if you find the right ones, no." Eve explained, ruffling Max's hair, Max swatting her hand away.

"What's up with Billy today? It looked like he did his hair." Max asked, standing up from her position and picking up her skateboard, her holding it under her shoulder.

"He's probably going to find some girl tomorrow at a Halloween party and bring her home and do who knows what with her." Eve laughed, Max joining in immediately. They stopped laughing however, when Billy walked in and sent them both a glare.

"Hurry up, I'll leave if you don't come in the next minute." Billy murmured before leaving the room.

"I think he heard us." Which only made Eve and Max laugh even harder. Eve got up from Max's bed and threw on her red jacket in the living room before running to Billy's car.

Once they were on their way for school, Billy informed them of the rules he had made for their schools, as if he was the boss of them.

"Alright. Max, you're riding to your school from ours. I don't care how you get there, you just have to get there on time or else. I don't have time to waste by driving you there every day. And Eve. Once we get in there, you will not walk next to me, talk to me, or even look at me while we're there. I don't want anyone thinking that you're my sister. It'll decrease my popularity." Billy ordered, while Eve glared at Billy, annoyed with him. Decrease his popularity? And what about Max? Something could happen to her while she was riding!

"That'll be easy, it's not like you're my actual brother or anything. Besides, who would want to be related with you?" Eve spoke to herself, which made Billy grab Eve's wrist, not taking his eyes off the road.

"Watch your mouth!" Billy yelled to the front of the car, though it was meant for Eve.

He let her wrist go, but a hand mark remained on it, Eve already panicking with how to cover it. Eve decided with wearing her jacket the whole day to cover it. She sighed and stared outside at the scenery, them starting to pull up to the school.

Once Billy parked, Eve quickly scrambled out of the vehicle which was attracting attention from all the students, keeping her head faced to the ground. She rushed inside the school, trying to avoid all the students' stares on her and Billy, which she mostly succeeded in, but she could still feel the eyes of the students on her back, curious to who she was.

Two out of all of the stares happened to be Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington, Nancy focusing on Billy and Steve focusing on Eve. Steve frowned as she moved her head away from all the attention and focused on her large strides into the school. Steve then focused his attention onto what seemed to be her brother, walking confidently with no school books or anything.

"He looks like a dick." Nancy judged while tightening her grasp on the books she held to her chest, glaring at Billy while he made his way into the school, not once removing her eyes from him.

Steve mumbled an agreement with her as he watched Eve walk into the school, as if she was eager to get the new school introduction over quick.

"I don't think the girl is though, she looked ready to leave already." Nancy pondered on the thought, Steve immediately agreeing this time, his eyes on his girlfriend, observing her thinking face.

"Yeah, I don't really blame her, after all, she came in the middle of the school year. No one does that in Hawkins. I hope she's alright. She's probably dealing with all the stares and murmurs about her." Steve sighed as Nancy began pushing him towards the school entrance, everyone rushing in, probably to get a glance at the new boy and girl.

"She'll be fine. Cmon Steve." Nancy ushered him through the school doors, pushing through the crowd of dillydalliers waiting for their friends. Steve looked away, annoyed that she didn't take his concern seriously, him feeling his worlds collide, between Nancy and the mysterious new girl. He couldn't help but feel the slightest bit curious about the new girl, and hoped she would be in his classes.

Inside the school, Eve looked around desperately until she saw the bathroom sign. She ran towards it, wanting to escape the stress of the only thing the teenagers seemed to give: stares. She ran inside and immediately locked herself into a stall, calming down her beating heart.

Once she locked the door, she took several deep breaths and closed her eyes and tried her usual method to calm her nerves: muttering her thoughts to herself, some comforting, others not.

Once Eve stepped out of her stall, she glanced at herself in the mirror. She wore a white peasant top with whitewash jeans and her regular red vans. Her hair was down in her usual, brown curly hair. She thought she looked alright, it was just the other kids that might judge her.

She pushed herself off the sink and took a deep breath before leaving the bathroom, heading for the office to pick up her schedule and locker number.

Whatever she did, she just hoped her stepbrother wouldn't be there. He would obviously kill her for 'not making the principal change it'. He would get mad at Eve for anything that pissed him off. She hoped for her life he wouldn't be there.

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