Four- Friends?

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Season Two Episode 2- Trick Or Treat, Freak
October 31, 1984

Halloween, one of the best days of the year, or at least in Eve's opinion. Back in California, Eve and Max would spend all night trick or treating, not caring whether people were asleep or awake. Back home, their parents would not approve with how much candy they had brought home, but they are all of it anyways. Even if their parents restricted them from it, they always found a way to sneak out and get the candy, and they did it together.

When Eve left the school that day, she greeted Max, who was waiting outside for her, because they agreed to walk to Billy's car together.

"Do you want to go skateboarding?" Max asked, her skateboard in her right hand.

"Max, you know I can't. I'm terrible." Eve responded, her smile catching on to her sister.

"At least try it here. It's not like Billy's going to be done anytime soon." Max pointed to the crowd of girls giggling at Billy, and laid her skateboard down.

"Just put one foot on, and try to feel the difference of the ground versus the skateboard. If you've done that, make sure to forget about that difference and pretend that the skateboard is just the ground." Max instructed, stabilizing Eve when she wobbled.

Eve slowly lifted her second foot up, and Max smiled and responded with more instructions.
"Great! Now you can put that second foot on the skateboard, and when you're ready, I'll push you lightly." Max waited for Eve's nod, and pushed her along the concrete.

Eve laughed and whooped as she glided across the concrete, but then a boy bumped her shoulder and said, "Watch it, freak."

Eve lost her balance and painfully, landed on her hands and left knee. It was already starting to bleed onto the concrete, to which Eve winced while Max ran over.

"Oh god, this is bad." Max panicked and looked through her bag to see if she had anything.

Eve kept wincing and instead looked at the sky, hoping it would distract her from her pain.

Steve, who was just leaving his basketball training, saw Eve from his spot at his car where Nancy had just left, and ran over to her.

"Eve? Is everything alr-" He noticed the blood and changed his question, muttering "oh shit."

Max stared curiously at him, Steve's gaze flickering from Max's to the clear pain in Eve's eyes. He tossed his backpack off, rummaged through it and kneeled down next to Eve, pulling out a bandage and some tissues. He handed the tissues to Max, as he unwrapped the bandage.

Max began to clean up the blood, Eve wincing every few seconds or so. Max gave Eve her hand so she could squeeze it if it was too painful. After it was cleaned, Steve wrapped the bandage around her knee carefully.

"There. All done." Steve mumbled as he dropped the bandage roll into his bag. His eyes met Eve's, and they stared at each other, lost in their own thoughts.

Max rolled her eyes and said, "You guys have just met and you're already acting like lovebirds." She held out a hand for Eve to grab, which Eve took gratefully, and Max helped her walk slowly.

"Thanks for the help, Steve." Eve smiled gratefully at him.

"No problem, Eve. And, did you even take a look at the flier I gave you?" Steve asked.

"No." Eve admitted softly.

"Well, here's a new one. Please come. It'll be fun. Promise." Steve handed a new flier to her, which said, "come and get sheetfaced."

"I'll think about it." Max pushed Eve towards the car a bit, which was her signal for stop talking to him.

"Thanks, Steve, but we have to get going."  Max intervened, Eve finally letting Max help her to the car, even though it didn't hurt too much, just when she accidentally kicked the car, letting Billy know of their arrival.

"Bye, Steve!" Eve waved bye and Steve did the same before running away, Billy immediately starting the car and pulling out of his parking spot.

"What the hell took you guys so long? And why were you talking to Harrington? Stay away from him." Billy ranted as the car pulled out of the school's parking lot.

"He was just helping me with something. It's fine. It doesn't even matter." Eve answered, taking a deep sigh and staring at the car door. 

"Oh, to me it matters. I ask again, what the hell were you doing with Harrington?" Billy slammed his hand on the steering wheel, making both Max and Eve flinch. 

"I tripped. Yeah, I tripped. And, my knee is all bloody now." If Billy knew that Max's skateboard was involved, he would break it. 

Don't need rumors going around about my clumsy two sisters, he would always say, though the adjective would change mostly.

"We're sorry for holding you up." Max added, then scoffed and covered her mouth.

"You better be, Maxine. You too, Eve." Max clenched her throat, as if she wanted to correct him.

As they were driving home, Billy began to complain about how Eve was going to ruin his reputation at "his party".

"Billy, it's just one time. Parties aren't really my thing." Eve protested, only getting a scoff out of Billy.

"You say that now, and then next thing you know you're coming to all of my parties. Just don't come, Eve! Goddamn don't come. You're going to ruin my chances of a good life." Billy focused his eyes on the road, his eyes flickering between a couple of kids biking to Eve.

"It's you and Max's fault we moved here!" Billy slammed the steering wheel, making Eve flinch.

"Oh, so it's our fault now?" Eve argued, her gaze flickering to Max's face of recognition when she saw the kids biking in front.

"Oh, look, a couple of kids. I'm gonna run them over." Billy pushed on the gas pedal, making Eve lunge for the steering wheel, as Max screamed in horror, protesting, "Billy, they're my friends!"

The kids began to realize the car behind them and started to bike faster, it doing nothing.

"Billy, stop!" Eve yelled, as Billy backhanded her cheek, his hand making contact. 

Billy refocused on the road as he kept speeding up, Eve clutching her cheek in pain.

Max yelled as the car got closer until Max lunged for the steering wheel, barely managing to swerve before the car hit the teens.

"HEY!" the boys began to yell, one flipping them off.

"Sorry!" Eve apologized.

"Are you kidding me, Max?" Billy yelled with pure anger dripping into his words. Billy turned his head over to Max, Max breathing heavily after the incident. Eve winced in pain as she slumped in the car seat. 

"Oh, stop whining, Eve. It's fine." Billy hit the brakes when they approached their house and forced them out of his car, him glaring at them as they walked into their house.

"I'm sorry Billy tried to do that." Eve apologized to Max as they walked to her bedroom.

"It's alright, I'll apologize tonight. We're going trick-or treating together." Max smiled, Eve doing the same in return.

"Have fun, Max." Eve smiled as Max told her her plan for scaring the boys.

"You too, Eve. Have fun with Steve." Max teased as Eve rolled her eyes.

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