chapter 36: the first time

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As we laid there, in Massimo's room, on his bed, tangled in the sheets, staring at the ceiling, in pin drop silence, I began to regret some of my decisions.
Not the one that included having sex with him, no. I wanted that. But I have no clue what to do after, now that we're done.
I'm not going to lie, it was painful as fuck in the beginning, but once I got used to him, it was amazing. Better than everything I've ever experienced in my entire life, combined.
Why isn't he saying something?
Should I say something?
But I don't do well with starting a conversation in awkward times. I'm worried that if I open mouth, I'll just make a fool out of myself.
Under these circumstances, I decide it's best if I just go to the bathroom and take a few minutes to myself as I clean up. But my shirt is Literally at the other corner of the room.
I rise up and grab Massimo's shirt, that was lying on the bed, next to me and put it on, without closing the buttons, before I get off the bed and walk into the bathroom.
Obviously, I have a little trouble walking, because of the throbbing pain down there, thinking about which, brings a deep blush on my cheeks.
My hair is a complete mess, and.....I have hickeys all over my throat, collar bone and even some parts of my chest.
I'm going to have to stop at Sephora.
I splash water on my face and tie my hair into a high bun and button my shirt.
I suddenly hear knocking on the door.

"Elliana?" Massimo speaks gently. As if he's afraid to scare me off.


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm good"

"What's taking you so long then?"

"I'll be out in a minute, I just had to pee..."

"Alright" I hear his footsteps recede.
He probably went downstairs.

Just a few seconds later, I walk out if the bathroom and as I expected, the room was empty. I started limping towards the door, when I feel someone grab my wrist. I turn around, startled to see Massimo, standing right beside the bathroom door, in simple white tee and some black basketball shorts, with worry in his eyes.
His hair, too, was messy because I ran my hands through it so many times. His hair is a bit longer, that he ties up into a little ponytail by his nape. Loose strands of his hair are falling over at the sides of his face, making him look like a fallen angel.
My fallen angel.

"Your silence is killing me" he said as he got closer "you regret it don't you? You can't even walk properly....what have I done"

"I don't regret anything" I say. It's almost funny, he thinks I didn't like it. Especially since how loud I was being...
"I can't walk properly because it was my first time and it was a little painful"
His eyes widen in horror when those words leave my mouth, so I quickly follow up with the rest of my sentance
" the beginning! After that it was.... amazing." I said as I lowered my head, feeling myself blushing again.

"Really? I really didn't hurt you?"

"Of course not!" I said softly, as I stood on my tiptoes to reach his level. I held his face in my hands and kissed him in the lips then the nose and finally his forehead. "I liked it very much. As I said, before you....I didn't even care about relationships and connections with souls. But now that I've met you....I want everything with you."

"I'm glad to hear it. I enjoyed a lot too...." He said, looking visibly relieved.

"There's just one problem, though."

"What's that?"

Instead of talking, I unbutton the top three buttons of his shirt and show him the love bites he left on me.
He laughs when he sees them and kisses me again.

"Well, it's only fair, since you left three on my neck" he says as he moves his neck to the sides to show me the hickeys. There's two hickeys on the left side of his neck, and one one the right. I don't think it's going to be a problem, because all he ever wears is a full blown three piece suit, but it's surely going to be a problem for me.... especially if my mom and dad find out. They might like Massimo and all, but my dad surely won't hesitate to break his face if he found out what we did today.

"I'm gonna have to stop to buy some make-up before I head home. I really can't let mom and dad see these"

"You don't have to. Anastacia kept some new makeup here, in her room, as a backup. You can use that. You're almost the same skin tone, so it won't make that big of a problem."

"Okay" I say. "What now?"

"Dinners on its way. Pasta and garlic bread, as you requested. Then maybe we can watch a movie?"

"I'd love that. Just let me wear something under the shirt and I'll be right out." I said with a smile.

"Do you have to?" He fake whined with his hands over his chest, as if having a heart attack.

"Yes, drama queen" I said as I smacked his shoulder playfully and walked towards his wardrobe. I left some of my clothes in his house because of all the times I stay here. I change into one of Massimo's shirts. he doesn't have a lot of casual clothes but there are a few. I know I could have just changed into my clothes, but I just like his clothes way better. I wear some black biker shorts before walking downstairs with Massimo.

We sat by the kitchen island, talking and laughing about stupid things, before Massimo's phone began to ring, all the way up in his bedroom.
Just a few seconds after he left, the doorbell rang and Massimo yelled from upstairs, asking me to open the door to the food delivery.
I rushed to the door to open it and found a woman, raising her hand as of about to knock.
I instantly recognise who that is. Her maroon dress is giving a perfect view of her baby bump, while her other hand is resting on a huge suitcase. She lowers her hands and just stares at me for a few minutes.

"I'm I have the wrong condo? I was looking for my brother"
She says as she looks around the apartment, searching for the number.
Soon, a man with ginger hair walks up to us, with another huge suitcase and a big bag swung on his shoulders and what looks like a baby car seat in his hand.

Anastasia Abigail Laurent. A.k.a my boyfriend's little sister.

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