● Love shot

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Dekisugi gulped as he looked at Nobita, who was busy studying. The silence engulfed the library. All one could hear was the turning of pages. He approached Nobita with uncertainty, the only time they sat together was at school. Normally, Dekisugi would find the farthest spot from Nobita to enjoy his mental peace.

"Umm, Nobita?" He whispered.

Nobita looked at him with a blank face, not a single emotion, while Dekisugi
almost froze.


"Can - I - Can I sit here?"


Dekisugi sat in front of Nobita. Nervous.

1 hour had passed. And Dekisugi didn't speak a word. It was honestly a miracle how much self-control he had while sitting beside Nobita during school hours.

He wasn't able to concentrate either.

"I am leaving"

Nobita's words almost made Dekisugi jump out of his seat.

"OH- oh... Me too"

Dekisugi packed his bag in a hurry.

"Calm down I am waiting"

Dekisugi's eyes widened.

"You- you are waiting for me?"

"Should I leave?"

"NO- uh no"

Dekisugi cursed himself internally.

*"Fuck dekisugi what are you doing!"*

"Done?" Nobita asked calmly.


"Okay let's go"

They started to walk together. The sky was set ablaze by the fire of the setting sun. Beautiful.

"Umm, Nobita?"


"I apologize in advance if I upset you"

Nobita's expression changed. Dekisugi gulped.

*"Lord have mercy"*

"What is it?"

"You study a lot, with great determination, and honestly, that's inspiring but one should also enjoy life aside from being limited to the same monotonous routine"

There was no reply. Making dekisugi nervous.

"I am sorry if I am crossing the line-"

"Go on I am listening"

Dekisugi let out a sigh of relief.

"I know I have no business in poking your schedule but I was like that too, studying all day just to prove to people around me, to show my grades off to my parents, I love studying but a time came when I started overdoing it and ultimately it distorted my happiness, I just don't want that happen to you"

"And how did you fix it?"

"By giving time to myself, by doing what I love, reading novels, painting, sometimes watching tv, playing football and many more"

"Oh and what do you want me to do?"

"Whatever makes you happy, reading comics, watching TV, and oh! You have Doraemon! A robot from 22nd CE! How cool is that!!"

Nobita chuckled. A rare sight to see since the past 5 years.

"I like how you didn't force me to go to that scoundrel's party"

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