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"I've Been Watching You For Ages, And I Spend My Time Trying Not To Feel It"

She was leaving the bathroom as I was trying to make my way to the gym. I bumped her shoulder roughly, causing a ruckus. "Shit!" she shouted, going to clean up the mess of papers scattered in the hallway. "I'm so sorry! I was in a rush." I exclaimed, rushing to help her.


I looked up from the pile I had collected and was met with the face of Freya Wilson. "Oh my God, Freya! I'm so so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." She laughed in a reassuring way. "It's totally fine. Stuff happens, I guess."

I neatened the pile I picked up and handed them off to Freya. She nodded a thank you and sprinted off to her class, me doing the same.

I pushed open the doors to the gym just as the bell rang. "Safe!" Maddie shouted from across the room. "Lynn Loud makes another close call! That's, what, three days in a row now?" Paula joined in. "Oh whatever. I was doing a good deed this time." I smiled proudly.

"And what was this good deed exactly?" Maddie asked, making her way over to Paula and I. "Long story," I paused, "kind of. But I ran into Freya and had to help her pick up her things." Paula and Maddie shared a glance.

"Freya Wilson?" Paula asked. I furrowed my brows and chuckled as I asked, "What other Freya is there?" Maddie crossed her arms. "Ms. Collins kid, Freya, in the 11th grade."

"Whatever. You knew who I was talking about. Why does it matter anyway?" I asked with an annoyed tone. "Just wondering." Maddie shrugged her shoulders, sharing yet another glance with Paula.

"Girls! Care to join us?" Coach Keck shouted at us. We hurried over to the group of girls and listened as Coach Keck lectured us on sportsmanship.

The bell rang and those on the soccer team made there way to the field. "So, Loud, what's up with you and Freya?" Maddie asked, appearing by my side. "Which one?" I asked, mocking her from earlier. She rolled her eyes and waited for an answer.

"Nothing's going on. What makes you think that?" I looked at her as she pondered how to respond. "I mean you seem to always be talking about her. Every conversation is always 'Freya this' and 'Freya that.' You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"What's there to tell?"

"Never mind. Just forget I said anything." Maddie said, turning back around to continue walking with Paula.

As we got closer to the field, we could see two people there already. They were kicking a soccer ball back and forth. When they saw us approaching, they stopped. "Hey Lynn." I heard a familiar voice say. "Hey, Margo." She frowned slightly. "Why so sad?" she asked with a mocking tone.

"I'm not. Just bored from that speech Coach made for all of class." I rolled my eyes. "Well at least you didn't have to take a geometry test. That I totally flunked by the way." Margo huffed.

"Maybe if you did your own homework, you would've passed." Freya joined in, shrugging at the blonde girl. Margo pushed her shoulder and told her to shut up. Coach Keck arrived shortly after and practice started.

I was drinking water when Freya came up to me. "Hey! Uh- my mom said you were driving me home today so-" I put my water down, remembering what my sister had texted me earlier. "Yup." I smiled slightly and grabbed my bag and hers. "Thanks." she mumbled.

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