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"But what would you do if I went to touch you now?"

I awoke the next morning, pacing the floor as I tried to figure out what to wear. What would impress Lynn Loud? I must have gone through my whole closet before deciding on a plain red t-shirt and jeans. Basic, I know, but it's the best I can do.

I finished lacing my converse and grabbed my backpack then headed downstairs to eat breakfast. I popped a bagel in the toaster and grabbed the cream cheese while I waited for it to be done.

I quickly scarfed down the bagel and a glass of water after noticing I was cutting it close to being late. "Mom! We have to go!" I shouted. She came down shortly after and drove me to school.

As I was walking to my first period, that I just had to share with Lynn, I nervously pulled on the hem of my shirt. I took a deep breath and opened the door, walking over to my seat. I looked across the aisle to see that Lynn wasn't there yet. Thank God.

"Morning, Freya." my desk partner, Cecilia, said. I smiled at her, got out my math folder, and took out my homework. I doodled a bit on the page while waiting for class to start. My head perked up when I heard the door open.

In walked Lynn, holding her head up high with a smile on her face. Not exactly a rare sight to see her so confident. She took her seat across from me and waved when she noticed me staring. I quickly averted my eyes back to my journal, feeling the blood rush into my cheeks.

Class started and we checked our homework. Mrs. Myers explained that we're going to have a test on Monday and that's about when I stopped paying attention. I continued doodling random things. "Think you could draw me?" Cecilia asked, startling me and causing my pencil to go flying.

"I can try." I chuckled, reaching down to pick it up while still looking at her. I flinched when I felt a hand. I swiftly looked to see who it was to be met with Lynn's eyes. I moved my hand away and she held out the pencil to me. I grabbed it and pulled myself up, smiling slightly at her as a thank you. "What was that?" Cecilia asked, furrowing her brows and smirking. "Nothing. You wanted me to draw you?"

The bell rang, dismissing first period. Everyone rushed out of the classroom, pushing and shoving one another through the door. "They're like rabid animals." I said to Cecilia, rolling my eyes. She smiled and zipped up her bag. "I'll see you at lunch." And with that, she joined the ferocious crowd.

As I moved to leave, I was stopped by someone saying my name. "Hey! Freya! Do you think I could get your number? I wanna start talking more." Lynn asked as I turned around to face her. "Uh, sure!" She took her phone out of her pocket and handed it to me. I typed my number into her contacts and gave it back. "Thanks!" She smiled, putting her phone away and walking ahead of me.

I threw my bag over my shoulder, following her out of the room. The hallway was less crowded now that people had dispersed. I was walking slowly before realizing I had to get to gym class. I took off, sprinting down the hall, dodging tons of people. "Sorry! Excuse me!" I shouted, hoping people would move out of the way.

I burst through the door, throwing my bag and myself on the floor. Margo ran up to me. "Jesus! Are you okay?" I was panting like a dog, trying to desperately catch my breath. "Am I late?" I asked in between gasps. "Nope. Pretty early actually." I exhaled loudly. "Dammit. I thought- never mind." For the rest of the few minutes of the passing period, Margo laughed at me and made tons of jokes.

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