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"What would you do if we never made a sound?"

That Monday was the worst day ever. I had told Cecilia about Saturday and she made fun of me all day and said it was payback for all the stuff I used to say to her about Jackson.

Throughout first period she would tease me by trying to get Lynn's attention, which obviously made me embarrassed.

"So, Lynn, you know Freya can draw right?" I hid my face in my hands as if that would get me out of this conversation. "Really?" she asked. "Yup. I think she's even drawn you a few times." A smirk appeared on Cecilia's face when she noticed how mine was bright red. "Oh?"

I turned to look at her, mouthing an 'I'm sorry' making her laugh and playfully roll her eyes. I then turned to Cecilia. "I hate you. So much." She smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't how you could ever hate me."

Whenever we walked past Lynn in the hallway, Cecilia would burst out laughing and say "Oh my god! You're so funny, Freya!" Turning everyone's attention to us, especially Lynn. On the third time she had done it, I threatened to kick her, making her shut up real quick.

During lunch, she had Lynn and all her friends sit with us. Normally she would sit across from me, but instead she told Lynn to sit there, making lunch almost unbearable.

I tried everything to avoid eye contact and only talked to Margo and Maddie, who were sat on either side of me. Margo sensed something was up and pulled me into the bathroom.

"What's up with you and LJ?" I pretended to be confused. "What do you mean?" Margo scoffed and crossed her arms. "Is something going on between you two? Did you have a fight.. or?"

"Or.. what?"

"You know." she mumbled. "I don't know." I said, starting to get annoyed. "Do you like each other?" I was taken aback. Was it that obvious? "What? No." I hesitated before saying no, giving me away. "Oh my god! You do! That's... gross!"

"Why is that gross?"

"Because you're my friends! I don't want to become a third wheel. And I can guarantee that Maddie and Paula don't either." I looked around the room and rolled my eyes. "I don't even know if she likes me back so don't worry your pretty little head, Margo."

"What happened to you, Effie?"

There it is. My middle school nickname. She only uses it when she's trying to get to me. "People change, I guess." She squinted her eyes and shook her head as if she didn't recognize me. She stormed out of the bathroom, hitting my shoulder and making me stumble backwards. I was at a loss for words. I left that bathroom, praying I didn't also lose a friend.

When I entered the cafeteria again, everyone had left the table besides Cecilia. "What did you do?" she asked, glaring at me. "Not you too. Please, I can't lose all my friends." The angry look on her face disappeared and she stood up to hug me. I looked over her shoulder and saw Lynn looking at me. I didn't have it in me to deal with her either, so Cecilia and I got our stuff and spent the rest of lunch in the court yard.

Of course, I just had to have soccer practice today. I made my way over to the field and hoped we could just forget what happened earlier. But why would that happen? When I put my bag down and went to say hi to Maddie, she gave me a weird look and walked away. "Great. That's just great." I said to myself, just wanting to go home.

I ran my hands through my hair and debated leaving. And that's just what I did. I grabbed my bag and sprinted out into the parking lot and called my mom. She was furious with me, but sent my dad to come get me since he was closer.

Once I got home, I flopped onto my bed and cried. I just cried. And after that, I went to sleep. I didn't even bother changing or eating dinner. My mom had come to check on me, but I was already asleep.

I think the only good thing that came out of this experience was knowing that Lynn didn't hate me. The next morning I woke up to a few texts from her.

LJ 🤨
hope ur ok
coach wasnt too happy
you were gone

LJ 🤨
idk what's up with margo
but for the record, i dont
hate you

LJ 🤨
paula doesn't either

Freya 💜
im fine
also thx, thats rlly
nice to hear ❤️

Although, those texts didn't change anything. Margo still resented me and practically forced everyone to avoid me.

Cecilia told me to ignore her because she was just being petty and narcissistic, so I did. We didn't even look at each other that day. It felt so wrong doing that to a friend, but I didn't know if I could even call her that anymore.


The base of this story has finally formed.  🥳

Y'all are in for some drama in the next chapter

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