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"What would you do if they never found us out?"

The long awaited day finally arrived. I woke up around 8:30, giving me enough time to shower and do my makeup. Nothing too crazy, just something to brighten up my face. I picked out a dark purple sweater and black jeans, pairing them with the black high-top converse I wear everyday.

I lightly curled the ends of my hair to give it a little volume and then tied two pieces together in the back, putting a small bow on top. I ate a small breakfast and went on my way.

Lynn usually throws celebration parties at her house after games, so I have a good idea of where she lives. The Loud house was only a few streets down from me, so I was okay to walk. The weather was perfect too, so I wasn't going to sweat at all.

When I arrived at her house, there was a boy there. He looked like he was at least in middle school. He was wearing a swimsuit and a VR headset. We both awkwardly waited by the door after ringing the doorbell.

A man opened it, who I can only assume is Lynn's dad. We both walked in and he shut the door. "Oh. Hey Clyde and Freya." he said, breathing out a sigh of relief. "What's up?"

"The sun's up and the surf's up." the boy, Clyde, said, reaching his hand into the air, just barely missing my face. "Wassup?" Mr. Loud and I shared a quick awkward glance as I moved out of the way. When he didn't receive a high five, he sighed.

"Lincoln and I are gonna spend the day on the virtual beach." He removed the headset from his face and placed it on top of his head. He had circular glasses and sunscreen on the bridge of his nose. "Even though it's virtual, my dads made me wear sunscreen."

"Oh. Well you can never be too careful." Mr. Loud said, smiling at Clyde. I just stood there in silence watching their interaction. "What brings you here, Freya?" He turned to me. "Uh, Lynn invited me over so-" I nodded my head slowly.

"Well, unfortunately today is chore day so Lincoln and Lynn aren't available." He smiled at us both again. "Right. But Lincoln broke the fancy glasses so you told him it would be easier if you just did it yourself. Like always." Clyde said, giving away his friends' plan.

I stood there, praying for someone to come get me out of this mess. "Oh, is that what happened?" Lynn Sr. asked sarcastically. The next thing you know, a loud crash comes from the dining room. Lincoln came strutting over, also in his swimsuit, holding a beach ball.

"Hey dad. You might wanna clean the fancy glasses yourself. I think some of them are busted." We all just stared at him, now knowing what he was doing. "Oh! Something's busted alright and his name is.. Lincoln Loud." Lynn said, popping out from behind the corner.

"She's right. Clyde just told me about your little plan so you can get out of chore day." Lincoln looked to Clyde, wide eyed. "So, I've decided that you'll be doing all of the yard work." Lincoln looked mortified as Clyde just covered his eyes with the headset again. "We'll be right back after these messages." Lynn said.

Everyone kind of dispersed to do their own thing. Walking over to Lynn I said, "Were you just there the whole time?" She looked at me. "Nope. I can actually teleport." I jokingly glared at her and chuckled a bit. I noticed she was wearing a blazer. God, that's attractive.

"So.. what's chore day?" I asked, looking around the living room. "Basically, everyone gets assigned one job and we work together to clean the house. Nobody ever does what their supposed to though."

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