Part 1

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Where's clem.

That saying has a lot of reasons. Loads of answers. But the main two are important.

One being in the shear moment of panic when all hell breaks loose and the girl that was at your side magically disappears and the other being the total opposite.

But let's run this back.

My name is Clementine Everett. I was bitten by a radioactive spider and for the last couple of months I have been the one and only spider woman.

"Clementine get your ass up you'll be late for school!" My amazing alarm on a Monday morning. "Five more minutes!"

"Violet and Louis are outside!"

I don't need anymore convincing. Throwing myself out of bed and grabbing a simple black hoodie, white shirt, cargos and my dads hat. Lee throws me a bit of toast so I place it in my mouth biting down as I grab my bag and walk out the door shouting a goodbye as I take the toast out and I'm met with the love of my life. But she doesn't know. And the idiot that lurks around her.

"Wow. A minute and fourty seconds. New record." He grins but I just roll my eyes.

"Haha fuck you." I say which emits a snicker from violet as Louis fakes being offended.

"Whatever you two dweebs. We need to go before we're late." Violet finally speaks. Her voice is mesmerising but I ignore those thoughts and nod starting to walk.

She walks infront while I lag behind with Louis. "Soooo..." he starts and I roll my eyes again already knowing his question.

"No I'm not asking." I say and he whines.

"Why nottttt. You need to she likes you back and it's so obvious." He shouts which gains the attention of violet as she looks back to us. I swing my arm out hitting him in the gut.

"It's obvious in your mind because you have no brain cells. If you looked at it through my perspective you would see I have no chance." I say and violet sends me a look.

"What are you guys on about?" She asks and I sigh.

"Louis saying the person I like likes me back but he has no fucking brain cells to back his point up." I say and he groans.

"Your punch was strong." He whines.

"Yeah no brain cells because that was a slap not a punch." I say and that makes violet laugh.

"Who do you even like clem? I still need to know and I'm surprised he knows before me." She says.

"I didn't tell him. The fucker broke into my room and stole my notepad and saw all the drawings." I reply. The school now coming into view.

"So if I break into your room and steal your book I'll find out who you like?" She jokes. "If you manage to sneak into my room most probably." I answer, playing it off like it's nothing. She doesn't like me back. She can't.

"You know... we should just ditch school." Louis suggests.

"I'm down. Anything to get a way from that hellhole." I answer straight away. "Well Im not going into school without you so." Violet says stopping her walk to face us.

"Where should we go?" She asks and I get the best idea cutting Louis off.

"That abandoned bunker down in the woods! Best place to go." I say and they look at me shocked.

"Int that place full of like spiders and bugs and shit?" Louis asks and I nod.

"What scared a spiders going to bite your ass Lou?" I tease and he scoffs. "Why would I be scared of a small spider." "There's a spider on your arm." "whERE!" Watching Louis shake his trench coat off in panic as the so called spider on his arm scares him is probably the best thing I had seen all day.

Spider-woman (But it's clementine)Where stories live. Discover now