58 - Satisfaction Personified

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     The night wears on and the moon builds my power as I feast on the blood of unsuspecting prey. A chill hangs heavy in the air, but I don't mind as long as I'm next to the lass that sets my body warmer than ever.

      The feeling is unlike any other, sneaking around from town to town with my mate's hand in mind. We slip into alleys and behind trees, and I send her on her way. She uses her feminine wiles to lure away drunken fools. Some male, some female, all loose and more than willing to listen to an innocent lass as she guides them to me.

      Then, as soon as they're within arms length, I pounce. I drink to my hearts content, letting it flood me with strength.

      After the humans stagger off, I allow my sweet little mate to feast from me. It's satisfaction personified to provide for her.

      It's thrilling to work together. Her sweetness and skill at wrapping people around her finger paired with my strength and knowledge of hunting makes the best combination.

      Every second spent with her is my new favorite moment. Between each feeding I cannot seem to keep my hands off of her.

      She smiles against my lips each time, both our mouths tasting of blood. I sometime sink lower, taking a brief drink from her neck because I can't resist. The other blood pales in comparison to the ambrosia of her taste. It's not even a close race.

    My heart seems to swell to triple its size.

     Not only is my body alive at her presence, but my heart warms with each expression, each passing glance.

      In the short months I've come to know Ailsa, I have never seen her as happy as she is tonight.

      She simply beams with it, like poisonous rays of sunlight that could blind or burn, so potent and yet so beautiful in its power.

     Pride makes my chest nearly to bursting. My mate. Ailsa survived it all. Not completely unscathed, but the fact that she is so strong makes me question how the Moon Goddess would think I am worthy of someone so admirable.

     So it's on this night that I firmly decide to never take her for granted. I will always strive to be worthy of her. Protect her. Love her. Her life has been hell, and I have eternity to make up for that.

      After hours of fun, running through the hills and feasting until we're overly full, I pull her into my arms like a bride and carry her all the way to my home. Our home.

      When I built the house years ago, I never thought I'd share it with a mate. It was something that seemed so far off, like I had all the time in the world before I found the other half of my soul.

     I'm so glad that I was wrong.

     "Am I your bride this night, Fraser?" She asks as I carry her over the threshold, and I chuckle, throwing her over my shoulder and shutting the door loudly.

      "Only if you wish it, my love." I say teasingly. Ailsa smacks at my back as I round to the stairs, taking them two at a time as she thumps against me. "But, I must admit, it's closer to dawn now."

      I duck under a beam before heading to our bedroom. That door is soon shut too, and my mate is splayed across my covers.

     I prowl closer, and she shrinks into the pillows, her face warming to a kissable pink.

      "You look like you belong there." I say, and she frowns, blonde browns bunching.

      She can lie all she wants, but I could smell how much she wants me from down the road.

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