Chapter One

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Long ago in China, there was a thief, a street rat, and a beautiful princess with a couple of new friends on the way, but only two opposites: good luck and bad luck. One has everything, and the other has nothing. This is their story.

"Thief!!" "Get him!!" "Guards!!" Was all the 25-year-old heard as he ran from the guards with the stolen food in a bag? "Can't catch me!!" Said Plagg as he climbed a ladder that led to a roof. "Don't let him get away!" Said one of the guards, "Got ya!" Said one guard, looking at Plagg. "Or do you?" Smirked Plagg before disappearing into the shadows. "DANG IT!" yelled one guard as he threw his sword to the ground.
Meanwhile, Plagg was watching them from the shadows. "Ha, suckers," smirked Plagg before walking away to his hideout in one of the abandoned buildings in the forest. "YO, Binx, I am back!" Yelled Plagg, but when he heard that Binx wasn't coming, he said their favorite word: "I brought food!" Plagg heard a meow after he said food, "There you are," said Plagg as he petted his pet cat. "Here you go," he said as he gave the cat a piece of fish. The cat then took it and ran off.
"You welcome, you spoiled cat," mumbled Plagg and ate the bread he stole. The cat then came back and looked at Plagg, and Plagg looked at the black cat, "What?" Asked Plagg while raising an eyebrow at the cat. The cat meowed and looked at the bread that Plagg was eating. Plagg looked at the cat and then the bread. "No way, this is my food. You got fish!" Plagg told the black cat as he hugged his bread. The cat glared at him before meowing again, "Ugh...Fine, you can have a little piece." he then broke off a piece and threw it at the cat. The cat then ran to his little spot to eat the bread. Plagg then went to the roof of the abandoned building to look at the stars. The cat soon joined him, and he saw how sad his owner looked and rubbed his head against his arm so he could pet him. "If only mom were here, right Binx? She would have loved you," He told his cat and the cat meowed in return. Plagg then looked at the palace of the emperor. Things hadn't been the same since the emperor had died and the empress had married someone else, and the princess had been locked up in there ever since her father had died, and even before he had died, she was still cooped up in that palace, "Well what do you say Binx wanna head to bed?" He looked at his cat, "Meow," replied the black cat. "All alright, let's go," he told him. Sometimes, he would think that it was because of Binx that he had terrible luck since he was a black cat. He laid down on his hammock and drifted to sleep.

Meanwhile, in the place of the Emperor, Princess Tikki was in the garden, sitting on the fountain's edge with a ladybug in her hand. "So many of these...but yet there is still no good luck," said the 26-year-old princess while the ladybug flew away from her hand and into the night sky. "And may I ask what you are doing out here all by yourself, princess?" Said a voice. Tkki jumped at the voice and looked at who had spoken. She then relaxed when she saw that it was her friend Pollen. "Don't scare me like that again, Pollen!!!" Said Tikki with a hand over her heart. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!?" But all she got in response was a little laugh from Pollen. "Sorry, Tik [pronounced like Tek], I didn't mean to scare you," Pollen said, looking at her. "But what's wrong, Tikki," she said as she sat beside her. "I...I don't know, Pollen," replied the princess as she looked down. Pollen then put her hand in hers. "I know when something is wrong with my friend," Pollen said. "You know you can tell me, right?" She asked. "Yeah, I know," Tikki replied, "So what is it? What's wrong?" Tikki sighed before she answered, "I guess I just want some freedom. Pollen being stuck in this palace is so boring. I haven't been out of the palace since my father died, and even before that, I never got to see outside of the palace gates pollen. I just long to be free," she looked at Pollen. "You know your Mother and Stepfather would never allow it, right?" "I know..." Replied Tikki as she looked away. "Here, come on, your mother would like to speak to you, but before she speaks to you, she wants you to bathe, so come on," said Pollen as she sat up, bringing Tikki along with her "OK..." replied Tikki, as they where walking to her room she stopped to look at a picture of her, her mother and father before he passed, "He was a great Emperor you know" said Pollen as she stood next to her "Yea.." Tikki replied, "Now come on," she said, dragging Tikki. "About time you guys showed up!" Said an annoyed and angry Duusu with her hands on her hips. "Sorry, Du," said Tikki as she gave a little awkward chuckle. "It's fine... now come on, we need to get you bathed," said Duusu as she led the way to the tub, "I'll get your clothes ready, princess," said Pollen as she left to get her clothes. "Where you in the garden again, Tikki?" Asked Duusuu as she washed her arms. "Yeah..." said Tikki, staring at the water. "What were you thinking about this time?" "Just thinking about what it would be like to be free.." said Tikki. Duusu then looked at Tikki as she finished and gave her a towel. "Oh.." said Duusu. "Here now, let's get you to change," said Pollen as she handed Tikki her clothes. "Thanks!" Said Tikki as she grabbed it and went to change. "Ahh, you look BEAUTIFUL!!!" Said Pollen as she looked at Tikki. "Yes, Tikki Pollen is right. You do look beautiful," said Duusu as she was fixing her hair. "Thanks," said Tikki. "OK, are you ready?" Asked Pollen. "Yes.." replied Tikki and left the room.
So this is my first Miraculous Ladybug and Cat noir story. I hope you like it so far!! Also, the picture at the top differs from how they look in the story.

See you in the next chapter~
I wAs YoUnG

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