Chapter Five

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Standing there near the entree of the cave was Nooroo with an unconscious Pollen and a half-unconscious Duusuu. "What happened?!?" Asked Tikki as she ran up to him. "I found them in the river. This one is completely knocked out," he said, moving Pollen's head with his shoulder. "And this one is barely awake," Nooroo said, moving Duusuu with his shoulder. "Here, I'll help you," Wayzz said, picking up pollen bridle-style. Meanwhile, Plagg and Trixx were standing next to each other, watching them, when Plagg heard trixx mumble something under her breath when Wayzz picked up Pollen. "You jealous, Trixx?" He said, smirking. "No...shut up, he doesn't even know her! So would I even be jealous of the girl Plagg," she said, glaring at him. "Sure," he said, walking away. "Dumb-wired girl," she said when he walked away. Trixx wasn't the kind to get jealous, but when she saw Wayzz pick up the girl, she felt something in her heart, and her head snapped. Maybe plagg was right, though maybe she was jealous, maybe she wasn't, but she felt something in her heart. She didn't know if it was jealousy or something else, but she knew Wayzz would never do that to her even if she were knocked out cold like her. She was lucky that he cared enough for her that he let her stay with him when he had found her lost around the woods when she had run away. Trixx let out a sigh and went over to them. "Come on, Wayzz," Nooroo said, heading over to the medical cabin, "Are they going to be okay?" Asked Tikki with a hint of worry in her voice. "Yes, they just have some cuts and bruises, a little bit of blood, but nothing was broken," Nooroo said, getting up. "How unconscious are they?" Asked Plagg, watching the two girls on the floor. "Not too much. They should wake up soon. Nothing to worry about," he replied and then looked at Tikki. "You said 'Pollen and Duusuu' Are those their names?" "Yes, they were my servants when I was in the palace, but they were more like friends," she answered his question. "Mmh which one is which?" "The Blonde one is Pollen, and the black-haired one is Duusuu," she replied. "Ahh," said Nooroo, looking at Duusuu. "You guys go to bed. I'll stay here with them," said Nooroo. "Alright, night," said Trixx leaving. "You sure Nooroo?" "Yes, Wayzz, I am sure," so Wayzz and Plagg left. "Can I stay Nooroo?" "You need to sleep, Tikki. I'll stay with them. I know they are your Friends, but trust me, I'll take good care of them," said Nooroo. "You sure?" "Yes am sure tikki" "Ok..." said Tikki leaving, "Bu-" Tikki said coming back but was quickly cut off by Nooroo "Sleep now please" he said looking at her "Fine.." and with that she finally left, Nooroo looked at the two girls, and took a look at both of their pulse and their lungs, he saw that they were busied and had some cuts with dry blood, he looked over at Duusuu again he saw that she was wearing a blue dress that was a little ripped near the bottom, and that she had a small dot on her forehead, with long black hair, he took a look at Pollen, she was wearing a yellow and black dress that also had some rips in it, she had long blonde hair, he kept on keeping an eye on them and got up from the floor to get some medicine to put one the cuts, when he turned around he saw that duusuu was waking up "Oh your awake" Nooroo said looking at her, duusuu looked around with a little bit of panic "Who are you!? Where am I!?" she asked him looking at him in panic and worry "Don't worry your safe I won't harm you to" he said putting down the medicine, duusuu looked over at pollen "She's still unconscious but she should wake p soon you and your friend will be fine." he told her "You still haven't answered my questions who are you and where are we?!" she asked him again getting ready to attack in case of anything but couldn't because she was still weak and bruised "My name is Nooroo and you and your friend are safe I found you too in the river and brought you guys to were me and my friends live" he told her sitting down in front of her, Duusuu wasn't going to lie but she found him kinda cute and good looking, "Can I see your arm?" he asked her reaching out his arm towards her, duusuu heisted and gave him her arm he took it and put some of the medicine on the cuts "That should make it heal faster" he told her going to pollens side and grabbed her arm, but when he had grabbed her arm pollen had woken up and all she did when she saw Nooroo was let out a small yell and punched his jaw "OH MY GOSH AM SO SORRY!" said pollen after she pushed him "Its fine I've lived with a female for a couple of years and used to it.." he said holding onto his jaw "Wait you live with a female?" asked duusuu "Yes her name is trixx and she has good strength for being a girl once I wrapping up her arm because she had broken it and she punched him in the face..." he told them putting the medicine on pollens arm, thats when ways, plagg, trixx, and tiki came in "What happened we heard a yell" said wayzz "Pollen duusuu!" said tikki hugging them back "hi til" said pollen hugging her back "Why are you holding onto your jaw?" asked trim pointing at Nooroo "I got pushed in the jaw thats why trixx" he said rubbing his jaw still being in a little bit of pain "HA!" was all trixx said letting out a laugh "So who are you guys?" duusuu asked letting go go pollen "Thats wayzz, trixx, and plagg" said tikki pointing to each on of them "Why are your guys hair a different color did you guys dye it?" "Yes, Nooroo makes the dye, and we put it in our hair." wayzz told Pollen. "Wait, I wanna dye my hair!" Tikki said putting her hands together "yea me to!" said duusuu getting up "it could mess up your hair if its delicate." said plagg leaning against the wall of the cabin crossing his arms "Arent you that street rat?" asked Pollen, and all she got in return was a cold look from plagg, "We all are" wayzz told duusuu, once he saw the cold look from plagg, while trixx was sitting on the floor looking at the two girls "trixx do you know where I put the medicine for the bruises?" asked Nooroo looking for them, "I don't know where they are you are the one that always are in here.." said trixx kinda cold, and wayzz gave her a look and looked at Nooroo "they should be where the other medicine is" he told him and looked at the two girls "also don't mind trixx she gets moody a lot when she doesn't get enough sleep.." he told them, Pollen and duusuu both nodded while trixx rolled her eyes and laid down on the floor "Don't do that it can hurt your back" said Pollen crossing her arms "I have been sleeping on the floor for 15 years and for 2 months I slept on the forest floor I think my back will be fine." trixx said closing her eyes "You didn't have a bed back the?" "I lived where all the useless, poor, and people used to be enslaved, so there was no bed there. I have never even had a bed until I met Wayzz." She explained to Pollen, remembering her past, "O..oh, What kingdom was it?" "The kang kingdom!" "The kang kingdom!?"

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