Chapter Three

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It was the day before the full moon, the day Princess Tikki was supposed to get married. Tikki noticed this because of the moon the night before, "Hey, I am going to go get food. Wanna come, Tina?" Plagg asked. Tikki looked at him and shook her head no. "No thanks, I'll stay to look after Binx and clean a little," she told him. "Alright.." and with that, he left. Tikki looked at Binx. "Oh, Binx, do you think I should tell him I am the princess?" She told the black cat. Binx looked at her and meowed, "I'm going to take that as a yes..I'll tell him when he comes back." She got up and started to clean. As Plagg was walking in the shadows, trying to keep a low profile to avoid getting caught, he saw a poster of himself saying, 'Wanted dead or alive. Reward: $1,000' "Ha, they never catch me," he said, smirking, then he looked at the poster next to his 'Missing Princess. Reward: 15,000' It said, "How did the princess go missing?" He wondered. He grabbed the poster of the missing princess and looked at the picture; the princess looked a lot like Tina. She wore the same outfit, and her hair and eyes were identical. "It can't be..." he whispered. He ran to his hideout with the poster and slammed open the door, and he saw Tikki jump and look at him. "Plagg your back!" She said, smiling, but then she saw that he looked mad. "What's wrong, Plagg?" She said while her smile dropped, "Oh nothing..nothing at all...Princess." He said, staring her right in the eye. Tikki's stomach dropped when he said, 'Princess' "W..what do you m..mean 'Princess' not the princess." She said, sweating. "Don't act dumb with me, princess."
"I don't know what you're talking about." "You two are wearing the same thing and look the same; no one else looks like the princess." "Plagg...I was going to tell you, I promise!" "WHEN!!" He yelled at her; Tikki jumped and stepped back fearfully, "WHEN WHERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME UH?" He was angrier than Tikki had ever seen him. Well, she only knew him for a couple of days, but she saw when he would get made with the cat Binx. "W..when you back with the food," she said, shaking. "Oh really!!" He said, getting closer to her. "Y..yes," she said, looking up at him, "Let's go," he said, grabbing her wrist. "W..what where!?!?" She said, trying to pull her wrist away. "To the palace, I am turning you in." Her eyes widened at what he said, "W..WHAT NO?" she said, still trying to get free.
"PLAGG NO PLEASE," she said when she saw they were getting close to the door, "PLEASE PLAGG AM BEGGING, DONT TAKE ME BACK PLEASE!!" She said, crying. he stopped walking when he heard her shouting, "You LIED to me, AND you LIED about your name!" He said as he looked down at her, "Please...Plagg." She looked up at him, still crying. "Give me a reason not to take you back," he said, giving her death glares. "BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO GET MARRIED OK!" She yelled in his face. he looked angry since she screamed in his face, but he also looked confused, "So you don't want to go back to the palace because they want you to get married?" He said as he raised an eyebrow, "They want me to get married to the king of the next kingdom.." Tikki said while looking away, plaggs eyes widened. "The 56-year-old abusive one?" He asked with concern. "Yup," she then turned to him with teary eyes. "Ugh, fine, I won't take you back to the palace," he said and let go of her wrist. "REALLY!" She asked, jumping up and down. "Yup," he said, looking at her. "THANK YOU SO MUCH PLAGG!" He then froze when she hugged him, "But I am still mad at you for lying to me," he said, smiling at her, "YOUR UNDER ARREST THEIF!" A guard said as he kicked down the door. Plagg and Tikki both looked at each other, "Run," Plagg said, grabbing her hand and jumping out of a window. Plagg and Tikki ran as fast as they could; Tikki followed plaggs lead since he knew his way around the forest, but the further they went, the more unfamiliar the forest became to Plagg; they both then stopped at a waterfall, looking down at it, "Nowhere to run now princess and thief" said the guard as he went closer "Jump" said tikki as she grabbed plaggs hand and jumped off the cliff into the waterfall, "We are so dead" said one guard "Yup" said the other.

When Tikki woke, she saw they had washed up on a shore. "Ugh.." she said as she held her head. She looked next to her and saw a knocked out and a little bloody Plagg and gasped. "Plagg, wake up," she said, shaking him. Tikki freaked when he didn't move. "Plagg, come on, wake up, please," she said, shaking him harder. Luckily for them, someone was at the river when they washed up. "Are you guys OK?" Tikki heard a voice say. She looked around and saw a white guy with green hair and eyes, a green jacket, a black shirt, and pants. The man looked around her age, " I'm fine, but my friend needs help," she told him. "What happened?" The man asked while going down on one knee and putting two fingers on his wrist. "Guards were chasing us, and we had nowhere to go, so we jumped off a cliff into the waterfall," Tikki said. "Guards?" The man said, looking at her, "Uhh..yea guards.." Tikki regretted saying anything about guards. "W-er, I get chased by guards almost every 2-3 months," he said. He then picked up Plagg. "Let's go, and I'll take you to where I live." "OK," she said and followed the man. "What's your name," she asked him. "Wayzz," he replied, "And yours?" "Umm...Tikki.." she said and looked away. Wayzz stopped and looked at her. "Like the princess of the Ming dynasty?" He asked. "Yup, I ran away," she said, looking back at him. "Wow," Wayzz said. "You got guts." "Thanks!" She said happily, "We are almost there, OK?" he looked at her, and Tikki nodded. When they got there she saw a female standing in front of what looked like a campfire pit "Hey Wayz- who are they" the female said pointing at us "I found them they need some treatment don't worry they are like us Trixx their wanted" he told the female 'I guess her name is Trixx' tikki thought "Uh huh" Trixx said looking the princess up and down "Then why is the princess here" she said pointing at Tikki "She ran away from the castle Trixx" "Ahh OK" she said walking up to Tikki "Am Trixx nice to meet you Princess Tikki" she said reaching out her hand, Tikki was able to see how she looked she is a white female that had orange hair that faded into white near the bottom, she had purple eyes which are really really rare, she had a white shirt and a jacket around her waist and jeans but they where ripped, she also looked to be around her age "Nice to meet you too Trixx" The princess said and shook her hand "This is Plagg he isn't waking up do you guys think you can help him" Tikki asked with worry in her voice "Yea I think we can here we'll take you to Nooroo" "Who's Nooroo?" "You'll see," Wayzz said. They made it to where Nooroo was. "Hey, Nooroo," Trixx said. "Mmh, Oh hello, Wayzz and Trixx. Who are these?" He said. Nooroo had purple hair with a swirly bang, which was a darker color than his hair. he also had purple eyes and was wearing a suit, but it looked beaten up, "I know that is Princess Tikki, but who is that?" He said, pointing at Plagg, "This is my friend Plagg. He's hurt. Do you think you can help him?" Tikki asked, "Yes, I think I can help him. Put him right here, please," Nooroo said, pointing at the mat before him. Wayzz put him down. Nooroo checked his pulse, opened his eyes, shined a light in his eye, checked his lungs, and looked at his wound. "Well, he seems to have a bad wound. It would take some days for it to heal, and it looked like he hit his head on something, so it knocked him out. He should wake up soon, but besides that, he seems fine. His pulse is good, his lungs are working properly and sound good, and his pupil adjusted normally to the light," Nooroo said. Tikki was very impressed. He sounded like a doctor. "Wow...You sound just like a doctor," Tikki said. "I was a doctor before I got kicked out and became wanted for helping poor people," Nooroo said. "Oh.." "Yeah, we all have backstories about why we are wanted, princess." "Oh...please just call me Tikki. You don't have to say princess." When Tikki was about to say something, they all heard groaning and looked at the floor and saw Plagg getting up. "My head is spinning like crazy, and my side hurts. What happened?" "Hey, Plagg! You awake!" Tikki said, "Oh hey Tik-" Plagg saw the three people staring at him. "AHH."

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