Chapter Six

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The mention of the Kang kingdom surprised Tikki, Plagg, Duusuu, and Pollen, who all exclaimed in unison. Trixx, on the other hand, seemed confused by their reaction. "What's wrong with the Kang kingdom?" she asked, looking at them. "Isn't that the kingdom next to Tikki's?" "Yes, it is," confirmed Duusuu. "Tikki was supposed to marry the king of that kingdom." Trixx was taken aback. "Well, it's a good thing she ran away," she said, lying on the floor. "The king only cares about his wealth, not his people." Nooroo turned his head to look at Tikki. "So that's why you left?" he asked. Tikki nodded, fidgeting with her hands. "But what are you guys doing here?" Trixx asked, sitting back up. "Shouldn't you be in the castle?" "We came to look for Tikki," explained Pollen. "Why did you come looking for me?" Tikki asked. "The guards saw you with the street rat while searching for you. They claimed to have seen the street rat enter an abandoned building in the forest and saw you with him. As a result, they are now searching every kingdom and forest to find you," Duusu answered. "Firstly, I have a name," Plagg said, leaning against the wall. "And what would that be, street rat?" Pollen questioned. "It's Plagg," he informed the two girls. "Plagg like the plague?" Pollen inquired. "No, Plagg, as in Plagg," he replied. "Who would name their child Plagg?" Pollen asked, looking at him oddly. "Who would name their child Pollen?" Plagg retorted. Just as Pollen was about to respond, Tikki interrupted. "Let's not fight about names," she said, looking at both of them. "So, why are you two boys here?" Duusu asked, looking at Wayzz and Nooroo. "I am wanted for stealing fabric from a wealthy family I worked for in the Dou-dynasty," Wayzz informed the two females. "And I'm wanted for stealing medicine and giving it to the sick who couldn't afford it and for speaking back to the king of the Cho-dynasty," Nooroo said, looking for something. "Wait, so you know how to make clothes?" Pollen asked Wayzz, "Uh, yes?" "So, do you only make clothes for you and Nooroo?" Asked Pollen. "No, I make clothes for trixx too.." "Then why are her clothes so dirty while yours are cleaner than hers, and hers is more ripped than you two?" "That's how trixx is. She doesn't keep clean," Wayzz told her, but before Pollen could ask why, trixx sat up and punched his leg. "Lier, I go into the forest a lot!" ¨ Yeah, and also doesn't take baths like every two days¨ Said Nooroo, pouring tea in two cups for Duusu and Pollen and joining in with wayzz of making fun of Trixx ¨You two are liars! Plus, wayzz once went a week without taking a bath!¨When was that?!¨ ¨Two years ago!¨Uhhh, so are they always like this?¨ Asked Plagg, walking over to the three girls and Nooroo ¨Yes, they do a lot of bickering....¨ ¨Why?¨ Asked TikkiTikki, watching the two ¨Well, Wayzz was the one that found trixx in the forest 7/2 years ago, two months after she ran away...¨ he said, giving Duusu and Pollen the tea and then looked over at wayzz and trixx who were still bickering with each other ¨Why don't you two kiss already?" Asked Plagg, smirking at the two. Trixx and Wayzz stopped and turned their heads to plagg ¨ Yeah, no, I am leaving now....¨ Said Trixx and turned on her heel to leave, ¨Stay¨ ¨Nope, plagg offended me¨ Trixx told Nooroo and walked out., But you two were going to kiss¨ Plagg told wayzz, crossing his arms and smirking ¨No, we weren't. We were fighting like always. Nothing ever happens during those fights...¨ ¨Uh huh, sure¨ Said plagg. Running a hand through his hair, ¨Wait, but how did you find me?¨ Asked TikkiTikki, looking at her two friends ¨We entered the abounded building the guards went into, and we saw your bracelet on the ground and then this skinny black cat that Pollen kicked because she got scared and-¨ ¨What? You kicked MY cat?!¨ Said plagg, interrupting her ¨That was your cat?¨ ¨yes that was my cat!¨ ¨Well, how was I supposed to know?!¨ ¨ OK, stop interrupting me!¨ Duusu raised her voice, shutting them both up. They both stood quiet when Duusu raised her voice. "Yes, ma'am," Plagg and Pollen said. "Thank as I was saying, Pollen kicked Plagg's skinny cat since she got scared, and when she kicked it, the cat hissed at her, so I threw my shoe at it and-" "You threw a show at my cat?!" "CAN YOU SHUT UP FOR MINUTES AS I EXPLAIN?!" Duusu yelled at him, "Y..yes, ma'am...." Said Plagg, not wanting to get yelled at again. "OK, if I got a coin for every time someone woke me up yelling, I'll have two coins, which isn't a lot, but wired that it happened twice today...." Said Trixx, leaning on the wall and rubbing her eyes. "Oh, your back..." "Nah?" Replied Trixx to Pollen sarcastically. "Be nice," Said Nooroo, pouring some tea for him. "Oh, really, what would you do if you woke up to the sound of a yell?" "We have been woken up by a yell by you trixx because you saw a lizard...." Said Wayzz, rubbing his forehead in annoyance. "That was once, and that was because it caught me by surprise...." "No one gets scared by a reptile." "Pollen would get scared of any insect but bees..." Said Duusu, pointing to Pollen defending trixx and ratting out Pollen. "Bees are cute!" "No, they are not. Now, let me get back to explaining how we found this place.....As I was saying again, the cat hissed at us, so I threw the shoe at it-" "You threw a shoe at a cat?!" Exclaimed Trixx, "I SWEAR, THE NEXT PERSON WHO INTERRUPTS ME AGAIN, I WILL THROW MY SHOE AT THEM!" Said Duusu, already losing her patience. "Yes, ma'am..." They all said, not wanting to anger Duusu more than she is, "Thank you...Anyway, I threw my shoe at it, and it ran away, so then we started looking around the place, and we found some pieces of fabric and a golden bracelet. Then the cat came back, so I bent down to try to pet it, and it let me; then Pollen gave it the fabric and the golden bracelet to sniff, and then it tracked you guys to the waterfall where there was a tiger, so we jumped off the waterfall..." Duusu said as she finished explaining. everyone stayed quiet, though, to see if they could talk since they didn't want to have a shoe thrown at them. "Oh, you guys can speak now." "So you used Plagg's cat to track us down?" "Yup!" Said Pollen, proud that they were able to track down Tikki. "But after the fact, you abused my cat..." "OK, we didn't even know it was your cat nor who you were, so..." "But still, you threw a shoe at a cat and kicked it. I mean, that's animal abuse." Said Trixx, playing with the holes in her pants, "Why are you wearing pants anyway...?" Said Pollen, looking at her pants. "What do you mean- OH right, girls can't wear pants... Well, I've never been a fan of skirts and dresses. Even when I had to wear them, I hated it, so wayzz made me pants." "Because she wants to act like a guy," said Wayzz, crossing his arms. "This is why you never had a girlfriend before." Trixx said hi, trying to insult him. "Aren't you his girlfriend?" Teased Duusu, "I am not his/her girlfriend/boyfriend!" Said Trixx and wayzz at the same time. "Yeah, but you're a girl and his friend, right?" "Yea...." "So you're his girlfriend." "Whatever, plagg and nooroo, come help me get water..." Said Wayzz, leaving, and plagg and nooroo followed after. "Are you to a thing though?" Asked Tikki, looking at Trixx after the guys left. "What, no!" "You sure?" "Yup, we are nothing more than just friends!" Said Trixx, crossing her arms and looking away. "Uh-huh, yeah, Sure...." Said the three girls, smirking at her. "Anyway.....wanna dye your hair?" Trixx said, looking back at the three girls, "Do you know how to dye hair?" "Yup! dyed Nooroo's hair!" Trixx said, grabbing a bowl and spoon and some other stuff. "Will it come out though?" Asked Pollen Tikki, playing with a bit of her hair. "No, it won't come out. It will stay forever," She said, putting the stuff on the ground. "So once it's in our hair, it's never coming out?" "Yup!" "Yeah, no, I am good," said Pollen, not wanting hair dye to be stuck in her hair forever. "OK then, what about you two?" "I would love to dye my hair." "Yeah, same!" Said Tikki and Duusu. "Alright, what color? I got red, blue, pink, purple, green, white, and black," said Trixx, placing the six colors on the ground so the two girls could see them. "Do you only have that baby blue?" "I have dark blue, too." Do you have phthalo blue?" Duusu asked; once duusu asked, Trixx tilted her head in confusion. "It's like dark blue but prettier." "Is it this one?" Trixx said, showing her a color of dye. "Yup." "Alright," Said Trixx, pouring it into the bowl with water and mixing it until it was ready. "Do you just want this color of blue or a different one?" "dark blue also, please." "Alright," She said and got out another bowl, poured water into it, and then poured the powder-like mix into it and mixed it, then got out a brush and some old beaten-up clothes and gave it to her. "What do I do with this?" "Put it on so the dye won't ruin your clothes." "OK...." Duusu said and put on the beaten-up shirt. Once duusu had the shirt on, trixx grabbed the brush and some gloves and started dyeing her hair the phthalo blue, covering her black hair until it was completely phthalo blue; once it was, she grabbed the brush and started putting in some of the darker blues as highlights. "Now lay down and put your hair into the water." Trixx said, pouring some water into a bigger bowl. Duusu nodded and did as told; once her hair was in the water, she started washing her hair with just water since she couldn't find the soap. "Done!" She said, taking off the gloves."Alright now, tikki, what color do you want?" "I've always liked the color red, but I still want some black in my hair." "Alright, I got you," Trixx said, getting out new bowls and mixing in the red with the water. then started mixing the black with the water and gave her another beaten-up shirt; once TikkiTikki had put on the shirt, trixx then started dying her hair red, and once it was completely red, she grabbed a brush and started putting some streaks of black in her hair. She also made her bangs black. TikkiTikki then laid down, and Trixx started washing her hair. "Alright, done!" "Thanks, trixx," Said TikkiTikki and Duusu simultaneously. "OK, we're back-" Wayzz said, and his jaw dropped once he saw Tikki and duusu with colored hair. "Wha-?" Nooroo said, going into the cabin and having the same reaction as wayzz "" "Trixx did it for us!" Tikki said, taking off the beaten-up shirt. "Well, this is going to," said Plagg, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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