Chapter Two

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As Princess Tikki stood in front of the two enormous wooden doors, she could feel her heart beating out of her chest and her hands shaking. She took a deep breath in and a deep breath out before the guards opened the door so she could go inside. When they opened the door, she saw her mother and her stepfather sitting on their thrones looking at her, "Ah Tikki, there you are, come in," said her mother. Tikki heard the two doors close as she walked towards the thrones, "You wanted to see me?" Asked Tikki after bowing, "Yes, Tikki, me and your mother were thinking.." said her stepfather, "About what may I ask?" "Well, since you are 26, I and your mother would like it if you would get married to the king of the next kingdom," said her stepfather, smiling evilly at her. "WHAT?!?" Replied Tikki with wide eyes. "Y.. your joking?! Right?" Asked Tikki as she looked at the Queen and King. "No, we are not. You are already 26. You are lucky that we didn't have you married at 15 like how we wanted, young lady!" said her mother, a little angry, she couldn't believe it her mother wanted her married at 15?! Well, most girls in Tikki's royal family would get married at 10 or 13, but she never would have thought that her mother would allow her to get married since she is very protective of her. "Now you will get married at the next full moon," said her mother. "B..but that's four days from now!" Replied Tikki. "You are getting married, which is final, young lady!" Said her stepfather, getting up from his throne. "Do you understand?" He asked her. "Yes.." replied the princess with her head down. "Good, now head off to bed," said her Mather, getting up from the throne as well. As soon as Tikki got out of the throne room, she ran to the garden, sat on the edge of the fountain, and cried, "What happened, Tik?" asked Duusu as she sat down next to her friend " mother and s..stepfather want me to g..get married!" Cried tikki with her hands covering her face. "Oh..." said Duusu as she went to hug her friend. "What happened?" Asked Pollen once she saw Duusu hugging Tikki. "The queen and king want her to get married," replied Duusu. "What?!?" Said Pollen. She looked at Tikki. "It's t..true," said Tikki, covering her face again. "Oh, Tikki.." said Pollen as she hugged her friend. When they broke the hug, Tikki said something they never expected: "I am leaving." "WHAT?!?" Replied both her friends, staring at her with wide eyes. "I am leaving, and no one is stopping me," replied Tikki as she stood up, walking towards her two friends. "B..but why?!" Said Duusu. "I am not getting married," said Tikki, walking past them. "B..but what would the king and queen say?" Asked Pollen. "I...I don't know.." said Tikki, looking at them. "Please don't say anything," begged the 26-year-old princess. "We won't," said Duusu. "When are you leaving?" Asked Pollen. "Tonight," said Tikki, turning to the castle. "Well, help you," said Duusuu. "But what if you guys get in trouble?" "We won't," said Pollen. "Now come on," said Duusuu, grabbing Pollen and Tikki's hands.

"Let's go see what we can get Binx," said Plagg as he looked at his cat. The black cat looked at Plagg and laid down. " lazy feline," said Plagg and left, after doing the same thing as every day, getting chased by guards, stealing, trying not to get chased by guards, and getting food for his lazy cat, it got dark so the 25 year old headed back to his hideout to eat, "I'll be back Binx am going to try to get some cash," said Plagg before leaving the cat again "Meow" was all the cat replied with, on the way to get the cash because at night no one is out so it makes stealing cash easier. Still, on his way to a store, he saw a figure speaking with two drunk guards: 'Don't people realize that they're drunk?' Plagg thought, "You haven't seen a street rat by any chance, would you miss?" He stopped walking and hid in the shadows when he heard one of the drunk guards speaking " I..I haven't S..sorry" a voice said... a female voice "That's a shame..Hey why don't we take you back home missy.. so nothing happens" he saw that the guard who had said that walk closer to the female " am f..fine" he saw the female back away fearfully "Ah come on don't be scared" said the guard as he walked closer before the guard was able to grab her Plagg got out of the shadows and pulled her by the wrist and took her away and ran off "Hey come back here!" Said one of the guards. "Keep running. Don't look back. It slows you down!!" Said Plagg as he turned to look at her, still holding on to her wrist. "O.. okay," replied the female, but little did Plagg know he was running with the princess, "Hey, stop!" Said a guard in front of Plagg, then turned into the shadows with the princess. He put a hand over her mouth and pulled her close to him. Tikki was blushing at how close she was with him, "Ha suckers get them every time," Plagg said smirking"So what's your name" he said as he looked down at Tikki, while Tikki was looking up at him blinking, "Oh right sorry" Plagg said as he took his hand away from her mouth and let her go, but when he let her go she went into the light, Plagg then saw who he was with, a black long haired woman with white skin, freckles, she had a red and black jumpsuit, she also had bangs that kinda covered her sky blue eyes "So what's your name?" He asked again, "What's yours?" "I asked first," "I asked second." "Lady's first," he said. "Well, I would like to know the name of the person who saved me," she replied. "Ugh...fine, the name Plagg," he said. Tikki then gave a little chuckle. "What's so funny with the name Plagg?" He asked her, glaring at her. "Nothing," She said, "So what's your name?" Tikki looked at him, but she couldn't see him. "Get out of the shadows, and I'll tell you," she said, crossing her arms. "Fine," he said and stepped out. Tikki then started to scan him. She looked him up and down. She saw that he had a green shirt, a black jacket with black pants, green eyes, and black hair, and he was muscular. She stopped looking at him when he snapped his fingers in her face, " Hey, my face is up here," Plagg said, smirking while using a finger to circle his face. "I...I know," said Tikki, looking away with crossed arms. "So what's your name?" Plagg asked again. "Ti..Ti..Tina, my name is Tina," Tikki said, making up a name on the spot. "Well, nice to meet you, Tina. Be careful, the guards. They have no mercy," Plagg said as he left. "Wait," he turned around and looked at her. "Yes?" "Uhh, can I stay with you? I have nowhere to go," she said, rubbing her neck nervously. "Uhh, sure?" He said, "Follow me." he then walked away. Tikki followed, "Woow, nice place you have," Tikki said as she looked around. "Thanks," he replied, then meowing was heard. "Hey Binx, we have a guest, so be nice," Plagg said, pointing at Tikki. "AWWWWW SUCH A CUTE KITTY!!" Tikki said as she petted him. "Yeah..sure....cute," he said while glaring at the cat, "Well, we should head to bed," he said as he got in the hammock and closed his eyes," Umm, where am I going to sleep? Plagg," Tikki asked as she looked around the room. Plagg's eyes shot open, and he looked at her," Uhh, you can sleep here in the hammock," Plagg said, looking at her. She looked at him as if he was crazy," N..not with you, right?" She looked at him and tilted her head. He shot up from the hammock and looked at her wide-eyed, "What, no!" She sighed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness," Tikki then put a hand on her heart while Plagg gave her a side eye, "I'll sleep on the pillows over there; you will sleep here," he said, getting up. "Okay...good night." "Yeah, good night."

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