Chapter 2: A Friendship Renewed

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The sound of Caroline's hurried footsteps grew distant in the midst of Sebastian's grumbling. Ominis pursed his lips, willing the thumping in his chest to subside.

He was conflicted— on one hand, there was a small part of him that had wanted to reconcile with Sebastian since the end of fifth year, and on the other a deep-rooted resentment for his lack of accountability.

If it was anyone's fault, it was that bloody transfer's.

Caroline sounded genuinely surprised— Sebastian really did not give her more credit.

Ominis and Caroline's world were leagues different than the world the Sallow twins were brought up in. They had warm and loving parents, with very little expectations on who they would be. And despite Sebastian's protest, an uncle that loved and supported them before Sebastian's fall. Ominis and Caroline? They were chained to the ideals and dreams of their family. And leaving would be akin to a death sentence. 

For the boy he thought he knew— he sent a prayer to those Muggle gods.


"Is this seat taken?" Ominis asked, hearing the scratch of a quill pause before Caroline's soft reply.

"No, it is not," he could hear the confusion in her voice as he set his bag down across from her at her table in the library.

"Might I ask you to help me with Transfiguration?" He asked, his hands feeling for the scroll and book in his bag, wondering slightly if Caroline forgot to breathe.

"Ominis," he tilted a head at her whisper, "Why are you here?"

Ah— he should have known she had caught that he was awake the other morning.

"You are asking if I blame you?" He asked pointedly, the slight shift in her chair betraying her answer, "Caroline, do you not remember who my family is? If I hold you accountable for your father's actions, I have much to answer for mine."

The silence held them before Caroline's sniffles and a barely audible thank you was uttered across the table.

Hmm, sad Caroline would not do at all...

"Now are you going to help me turn teacups into mice to set in the transfer's trunk or am I going to have to do it myself?" He whispered conspiratorially.

She laughed softly before he heard the chair next to him scrape as she sat, "How do you feel about spiders? Sallow's never been fond of those if I recall."

Her mischief would do Anne proud.


"Did you ever tell him?" Caroline asked him as they took the scenic route to Hogsmeade— it had always been Caroline's favorite path. Long and unnecessary, as Ominis claimed, preferring to step outside to the shorter path at the entry gates.

He remembered more than once how she would drag him and the Sallow twins down this road as they pestered her about the potential on missing good seats at the Three Broomsticks—you have to stop and enjoy the roses, was her reply much to Sebastian's there's only lacewing flies.

"Told who, what?"

"Sallow," she said.

Merlin, she was terrible at observing anything in her personal life, but damn if she didn't catch everyone else's social cues.

"I have no idea what you mean," he answered, feeling her tug to stop their walk.

"Ominis," did they really have to do this today? "You said you were going to tell him in fifth year."

"Yes," he grit his teeth, "A fat lot of good that year did me."

Caroline was lucky— he concluded. She had been cast aside to not witness Sebastian's descent into the dark arts. She had a normal year in comparison. Ominis wondered if she would have been able to help bring Sebastian back from the edge— she was always so reasonable, a little ray of sunshine.

Despite the common ideals their families shared and her father's underground dealings, he made sure his daughter was far removed from the nastier parts of their world. Ominis suspected Victor Rookwood expected to barter her off as untainted and unsoiled to the most useful bidder.

She didn't have to learn the Torture curse or participate in the Muggle hunts. She just had to sit there and look pretty.

He remembered asking Sebastian what she looked like back in third year.

"She's got long, gold blonde hair and green eyes," Sebastian noted for him as he went on, "She's grown taller over the summer but she's still a head shorter than me obviously. She's pretty enough— pale skin, rosy cheeks, soft looking lips—"

Sebastian had faltered at that last part— Ominis suspecting that if Anne had not been cursed, he would have undoubtedly fell in love with sweet Caroline.

And that, broke and warmed his own heart.

"No, Caroline," he sighed, "I did not tell Sebastian I loved him."

He did... and Ominis would have gladly watched him be married and have a life of his own if he had been with the right person.

The long pause made him shift uncomfortably, knowing that the girl before him was eyeing him up and down.

"Good," she replied, "Sallow's an arse anyway. You deserve so much better."

He smiled softly as she took his arm and began walking again.

"So what's this I hear about you sitting next to Weasley at potions?" He heard her tease as he almost tripped over his own feet.

Blast her for having working eyes.


"That new color doesn't work for the new girl," they heard Imelda say as she fell into step with them to head to dinner, "Pale blonde? It's like looking at a bargain version of a Malfoy."

"Hello Melly," Caroline quipped, nudging Ominis so both his arms were occupied, "At least you don't have to hear them go at it at night."

"Yes— I quite don't know how you do that."

"Hmm, if you know anyone looking for a new roommate, I would gladly trade."

"I'll keep my ears open," Imelda sighed, "Sallow's been glaring at you any chance he gets. Seriously, Care— what the bloody hell did you do to get his knickers in a twist?"

"Didn't realize he had any knickers left to share with the sounds from last night," Caroline cleared her throat, "Oh! Sebastian— yes, yes! You're so hard— right there!"

"Bloody hell, Caroline!" Ominis stumbled at the sudden drop and huskiness in her voice, "Warn a man, next time, would you?"

"Yes, I don't believe these halls are ready to hear you sully them with such raunchy words," Imelda snickered, "At least your voice isn't as grating as the new girl."

"Oh— I've plenty more if you're looking for a show, Melly," Caroline laughed, "Might be the edge you need to knock Clopton off his broom."

"Can you believe he finally got a broom? Fat lot it's going to do for Ravenclaw— we're still going to take them out."

Ominis smirked as they made their way to dinner— the sound of the girls' laugh muffling the shift of feet in the classroom nearby.

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethWhere stories live. Discover now