Chapter 20: Weasley Holiday

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The familiar rush of the floo connection pulled Garreth and Ominis from the connecting fireplace near Hogsmeade station. A squeeze of his hand and a pull started their trek towards the Burrow.

"Over there— you can find fields of lavender as far as the eye can see, and there! Just over three hills, is a fantastic spot for some quality lacewing flies," Ominis smiled as Garreth described the sights as their feet walked and crunched the dirt and gravel leading to his home.

The sound and scent of Ottery St. Catchpole was already different than Little Hangleton, with the breeze wafting the calming scent of the fields of lavender and crisp air. It felt warmer despite being further north than his hometown. He imagined, with a slight heat in his cheeks, that it was due to the warm hand wrapped around his. Garreth, not one to be shy, had taken to swinging their entwined fingers as they walked, using them to point at exactly where he was describing. The laughter and excitement in his voice was a constant soothe on Ominis' nerves.

He had never met such a large family—well, a family that mattered. He had met most of the larger families in the Sacred Twenty Eight but most were focused on the utter appearance of propriety their children could paint for the world. It was not until Ominis met the Sallow twins that any introductions to family became a different kind of experience and meeting. He had been a bundle of nerves when Sebastian introduced him to Anne and yet her acceptance of him was quick and easy, resolving to take him under her wing as a planking apprentice— though his apprenticeship was only successful in passing on Anne's tradition of having first years search for mermaids just outside their common room window. And it was Sebastian's introduction to Caroline that prompted him to have a kindred spirit— he could see and feel the responsibilities that weighed upon her. And unlike Ominis, she handled it with a grace and charm he had no patience for— at least in Caroline standards. He hoped her patience would not run out with her new intended guest.

Vincent and Sebastian had made him promise not to tell Caroline— that duty fell upon family for a proper introduction—at which Ominis scoffed and begrudgingly gave his assent.

He could only hope that her inevitable owl would not be too cross with him.

Ominis was swallowing the lump in his throat and sighed, wishing Caroline was also here for support. A number of questions had risen in his mind from the train ride, spiraling as each moment passed— what if he wasn't good enough? What if the other Weasleys thought him a bore? Too posh? What if Garreth saw him as a waste after all this?

"Stop," he heard Garreth's soft laughter and felt another squeeze of his hand, "I know that look, Ominis— I'm not going anywhere. And my family is going to adore you!"

He leaned into Garreth's broad chest as he was pulled into a tight embrace, soft lips pressing on his forehead as he pouted—they had only known each other for a few months but Garreth had already picked up on his small cues. Ominis was resolving to keep him, for however long eternity would be.

The rest of the walk was less stressful as Garreth described his family— four older brothers, one older sister, another young brother, and two young twin sisters seemed overwhelming to Ominis at first. But the oldest siblings had gone to live with their own families and would only be at the Burrow for Sunday dinners. Miranda was already home and giving her praises for Ominis to the rest of the family. Gena Weasley was a year shy of starting Hogwarts and the twin sisters were excited to have their favorite brother returning home.

A creak of a gate sounded with the rush of feet and a loud giggle.


He felt himself drawn into a tight hug by the voice of Miranda Weasley, the noticeable scent of lavender wafting as her hair tickled him.

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethWhere stories live. Discover now