Chapter 45: The Line Between Us

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To some Muggles it was known as All Saint's Day or All Hallow's Day. To others it was celebrated as Samhain. But to the witches and wizards across the world— it was a night the veil and the line between the living and the dead became its weakest. It was a night when differences were put aside to honor each other. It was Halloween. And Halloween meant celebrating the twins' birthday.

Halloween week always promised mischief, mayhem, and celebration. If it wasn't for Peeves' increased bouts of terror on first years and unsuspecting victims, it was certainly the elaborate schemes across the castle crafted by Anne Sallow herself. However, it was most unfortunate for Sebastian— usually being the unsuspecting 'Sallow' caught wandering the halls. Halloween week seemingly made the castle smaller and smaller with Anne's 'gifts'.

"I cannot believe Sallow missed Quidditch practice! Again!"

Caroline laughed nervously, patting Imelda's arm as they walked through Central Hall, her voice and glare sending a few first years scrambling. She adjusted her bag of books, linking her arm through Imelda's, "Melly, Sebastian's in detention this morning, not quitting the Quidditch team. You and I both know he hasn't been the one spiking Headmaster Black's goblet with giggle water."

No— Sebastian was decidedly not the reason the Headmaster was bursting into giggles at a randomly appointed day and meal. The first had been a surprise, the second an inconvenience— but the third? The third became more than an annoyance during dinner— and the revelation that Sebastian knew where and the names of all the house elves in the kitchen?  It was the single detail that made the Headmaster take out his frustration on him— regardless of Anne's well known track record.

"Between her, Weasley, and Peeves? They're certainly outdoing themselves this week," Imelda sniffed.

"It is her birthday..." Caroline offered, "An overindulgence if you will..."

"Speaking of birthdays and little Ms. Imp Sallow—Violet's providing libations this weekend."

"Oh," Caroline laughed, "A good mix with whatever's left of Anne's giggle water then?"

"Indeed! We'll meet you both inside the portrait after dinner! Make sure to occupy the right Sallow tonight? Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise what with you snogging Sebastian in a broom closet, would we?"

"Melly! We don't snog! We study—in the library, publicly I might add—"

"Oh? In front of Madame Scribner? How crass and bold of you, Care!" Imelda snickered.

"Melly!" She cried, feeling the heat rush to her cheeks, "Seriously! We're not! He doesn't like me that way! And when have I ever been in a Hogwarts broom closet? Least of all with—"

Before Caroline could finish, a strong grip seized her waist—the flash of Imelda's eyes and smirk positively beaming, the sound and sight of a wooden door opening and closing, and Sebastian's voice sounding around her, "Bloody hell! When I find Anne—"

"Sebastian?!" Caroline hissed, heat rising to her cheeks as she realized she was caught between his arms in an all too cramped room, "What in Merlin's name are you doing?"

The wooden door opened before Sebastian could reply, Imelda's face wearing a self-satisfied smile and figure leaning against the frame and inspecting her nails, "You missed Quidditch practice."

"Yes—yes, Reyes! I just got out of detention—one of Anne's... ugh—I'm sure it's not a surprise—"

"And... did I hear Black just around the corner?"

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