Chapter 53: The Warlock's Hairy Heart

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Ominis shriveled into his chair, fingers brushing along his chest to touch the locket tucked underneath his shirt. His other hand clasped the arm of his chair tightly, his aunt's palm patting his soothingly as they sat, waiting for dinner at the Gaunt Estate.

'It was only for a few hours,' Ominis thought, breathing steadily through his nose. A few hours and they would be back at Tinworth for the rest of the weekend.

It was not often the Gaunt family demanded his presence for the weekly family meals—content with showing off Marvolo to their peerage rather than their imperfect son. But news and announcement of Ominis' permanent stay with Aunt Noctua was not immediately well received. His father was damned to just let him go—'persuading' his aunt that Ominis' attendance for weekly family dinners was a stipulation in their acceptance of his new living arrangement.

But Ominis knew better than to trust the charity of his father—it was a reminder. A reminder that despite how much he could claim and want Aunt Noctua as his 'only' family, he was his father's son.

And the name 'Gaunt' would forever be branded on him.

"Still no suitors, dearest sister?" his father's voice called down the table, a sneer laced in his words, "A shame. You know I hear the new Lestranges are quite a large family—perhaps—"

"Why brother," his aunt's voice bit out, "You're not suggesting that I offer myself to a barely inducted member are you? What sort of accomplishment is that? Prestige of the lowest Caliber for the Gaunts? From what Lady Malfoy tells me... he's hardly submitted an offering."

"Rumors, I assure you—I was there when the offering was given—"

"Then it was a paltry one."

"Mind your—"

"As was evident from the testimonies of Lady Malfoy, Greengrass, and Black during tea the other week. A fact you would be aware of if your wife would bite her pride and apologize to her own sister."

Ominis bit his cheek, stemming his laugh at the sudden cough from his mother.

"Enough!" His father shouted, the sound of his hand sending a clamor of silverware and plates ringing, "And this is exactly why 'you', sister, have been a disgrace to this family. If you managed to bite your tongue, your suitors would not have scurried off when they did. Nevertheless, you are undoubtedly a lost cause."

"Really? And here I thought it was my loud distaste for little pricks... actually all pricks," Aunt Noctua clicked her tongue with a scoff, the normal warmth from her exuding irritation. His fingers left the wood, turning to catch his aunt's shaking hand to squeeze comfortingly.

"All you have to do is lie there—"

"Oh, your poor wife, brother," his aunt tsked.

"I said, enough! The least you could do with gaining such a favor from me is to remember not to sully the mindset of Ominis, who I might remind you, is 'my' son."

"Excuse me?!"

"As you heard, sister. And though I've given my permission for him to stay with you—there are... expectations still required."

"Ominis, darling," his Aunt's voice turned to him, "Be a dear and go out to the garden, will you? I need to speak with your mother and father."

"Marvolo, be a good son," his father said, "Keep your brother company, would you? Perhaps your sensibilities will rub off on him."

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethWhere stories live. Discover now