Interlude: Saffron, Honey, Cloves Part 1-- I Hope...

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CW: Fluff and Smut


I Hope...



It began with a touch.

Fingers, soft as silk had seemingly clutched at the shells in hand—the ridges leaving soft indents on pale skin, while sand filled the crevices and wrinkles. And it was here, along the sandy beach of Tinworth that Garreth Weasley's heart began to beat loudly in his ears.

He had always thought Ominis Gaunt was picturesque, a myth all things considered—with his pale, beautifully unblemished face, perfectly combed back blonde hair, and an air and grace that seemed unbefitting of a mortal men. And despite his occasional bouts of temper, and sharp laced words, he was a paragon and model citizen.

But though the population held Ominis Gaunt on a high pedestal, Garreth stood there on the sandy shore, taken aback by the windswept hair and forlorn look etched on Ominis' face as his fingers gently plucked a shell from his palm.


They were for grander things, Ominis said. And as Garreth watched a smile grace itself along Ominis' lips, he wished... no—not wish. He hoped that one day perhaps he could be the happiness Ominis was waiting for.


I hope that's not Aunt Matilda—he thought with a silent groan, trudging slowly up the hidden corridor, hugging the shadows of the walls as he clutched his parcels tightly to his chest. Leander absolutely owes me for this—he grumbled, the several packages of chocolate frogs bumping along the walls as he neared the entrance.

Luck it seemed was on his side that evening, despite the rather teary appearance of a huddled Ominis Gaunt at the foot of the passageway. Garreth paused in his steps, fingers twitching to reach and dry the tears along his pale cheeks.

Instead, he smiled happily as he shared a handful of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, enduring the few seconds of the grimacing taste of vomit and earwax as he plucked the beans from Ominis' reach. Because the light pink cresting along those pale cheeks and a whisper of a smile, as it bit down on sweet blueberries, was far sweeter.

Joy filled his heart with the scent of cigars, pine, and cloves at the lull of Ominis' head along his shoulders in the darkened corridor. He knew through the rumors around school that it was a terror to wake a sleeping Ominis Gaunt—the hiss of his words and glare far more cutting than any spell.

Leander would know—he was, after all, the victim of committing such an atrocity.

And though Garreth was content and comfortable to bask in the sleeping man beside him, the soft wisp of blonde hair tickling his chin and the sound of steady breathing made him want to know more.

Would he wake at the soft brush of fingers through his hair? Would those eyes that seemed to see all blink blearily and glare at him in bed? Or would he hum sleepily and grumble as he burrowed further into his arms? Would Ominis Gaunt ever want a chance with him?

An ache and longing was seeping into Garreth's soul—the little finger of his hand twitching to reach for Ominis'. He sighed softly, breathing in the enticing scents once more as sleep dusted before his eyes.

I hope one day...


It was a beautiful piece— in Garreth's opinion at least.

An abomination—his friends would say.

The purple frills and lace were soft and quite fun—the robes kept him warm, snug, and quite comfortable during dances and served as a wonderful piece to start conversation. Red hair, freckles, and hand-me-down robes with colorful patches were a staple in his family. But of course, he had always been an unconventional sort, even for a Weasley.

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethWhere stories live. Discover now