Chapter 36: Gilded Cage

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"There you go," Caroline fought a smile, watching as Garreth moved to knead and slam the dough mixture on the large wooden counter in the kitchen, the sound of Tessie's footsteps following her mama around as she hovered over a pot of simmering sauce. "Now, we'll make notches and roll out small pieces to make the gnocchi." She smiled at Garreth's eagerness, his hands reaching for the offered fork from her hand.

"Mia cara," she peered up at her mama's soft voice, "Mind the pot while Tessie and I go set the table, yes?"

Caroline nodded, setting down the knife to wipe the flour off her hands. She sighed softly, watching her mama leave. It had taken her a few hours to calm back down and another convincing her to leave her father's study. Though Cecilia Rookwood reverted back to her sunny disposition amongst guests, Caroline could see the traces of sadness in her tight smile and absent-minded laughter.

"Are you alright?" Garreth paused, casting her a worried glance. He looked at the door and back to her, raising his brows with a pout, "I'm happy to listen."

"I'm..." she turned, the word fine catching at her lips, "May I ask a rather forward question?"

"Certainly," Garreth nodded, resuming rolling out pieces of gnocchi.

"If... after many years together—do you think you could find love again after Ominis?"

"No," he laughed, voice lowering softly as the dough fell in pieces at his hands, "He's unforgettable. And I'm determined to ensure we're together well past the appropriateness of old and grey." There was a twinkle in his eyes as he peered up at her, his smile reassuring, "But... I imagine Ominis would be cross with me if I didn't tryto find love again after him. As I certainly would at him when I should pass."

Caroline smiled, stirring the pot at the stove—papa had always been a selfish man. He was doting and loving to her mama, kind enough to his children when his feelings weren't waxing and waning with the moon, but he hated sharing his time with them with anyone else. She wondered—wherever he was, if he was still just as selfish with his affections or if he would want the love of his life to find happiness again.

"Will you make sure, Caroline?"

The question made her raise her brows as she peered at Garreth's face behind her, "Make sure of what?"

"Make sure Ominis finds love again if I pass?"

"Garreth Weasley—you better be at least half a millennia old when you pass before I even consider such an option," she rolled her eyes, "Otherwise I'll make sure to pair him with Duncan Hobhouse or Leander Prewett to haunt you for leaving him so early."

His laugh rang around the room, bouncing off the cauldrons, coaxing giggles from her as well, "Fair enough! Then I shall promise to do the same if you or Sebastian should pass. Shall I say Duncan for you, and Leander for Sebastian? Leander should entertain him with a duel every now and then. And I hear he's quite capable with a wand."

"Oh, Merlin..." she snorted, tears of laughter springing at Garreth's wink, "Let's hope it never comes to that."


Caroline paused as she shut the door to the study behind her, the shadows cast by the moonlight through the wrought iron glass doors did little to illuminate the figure of Vincent as he stared out into the courtyard below. His dedicated study at Rookwood castle was set almost ground level, a set of stairs connecting the doors to the ruins of the courtyard below. Tessie had been running through it earlier that day, mumbling about purchasing flowers, cleaning, and repairing the stone and grounds.

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethWhere stories live. Discover now