11; What is it?

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“Are you going to keep coming to us whenever you need help?”

“Yes.” Beomgyu confirmed.

“I’m glad!” Yeonjun rises from his seat. “So, what’s the problem now? Are you starting to finally develop feelings for Taehyun, and you need help getting rid of Seo-jun?”

“No.” The youngest Choi frowned from that assumption. “I’m just confused and having troubles on what I should do. I don’t have feelings for Taehyun, but I feel a need to chase after him. At the same time, Taehyun wants me to stay away from him, and considering that, it’s my second choice. So, i’m having difficulty...thinking about what I should do.” Beomgyu ended.

Yeonjun and Soobin just blinked at him.

“That's easy, just leave my cousin be! You guys are soulmates, fated to be together anyway. You may not have feelings right now, but you surely will develop some next time.” Yeonjun suggested.

“No, chase after Taehyun. No matter what happens, chase after him. Seo-jun is definitely an obstacle, and if more obstacle comes, you have us, and you’re strong enough too.” Soobin argued. “Maybe, in the process, you’ll realize your emotions.”

“No way, that’s stupid.” Yeonjun objected this time. “Beomgyu could get hurt, and he doesn’t need to chase after him because they're soulmates, Taehyun may give in to him, or something.”

“I’m positive that it’s worth the pain and Beomgyu really needs to do so.” Soobin said and Yeonjun cringed at his statement.


“I’m asking for you guys to decide for me, not to debate about it.” Beomgyu’s frown became bigger.

“Well, you should do what I said!”

“Gyu, consider both of our opinions and think hard about it. You should make your own decision.” Soobin voiced out and patted his head. “We have not agreed to one decision, so you make your own.”

Beomgyu tsked. “Yeah, fine.”


Beomgyu thought about it for days.

Even almost a week.

And finally, he decided that he should stay away from Taehyun.

Because Yeonjun’s right, they are, as said, soulmates. So Beomgyu doesn’t really have to action— he doesn’t have to tire himself, and he should just let fate do it’s thing. Maybe some anonymous stalking would help him grow feelings.

Beomgyu would view his posts in his socials and use his private accounts to secretly interact with him. Maybe his kindness and looks would make him eventually fall in love.

╳°»。 ∾・⁙・ ღ ➵ ⁘ ➵ ღ ・⁙・∾ 。«°╳

“Babe.” Taehyun smiled at him as he joined Seo-jun on the couch with a bowl of pears in his curled hands.

“Hmm?” Seo-jun hummed in response, the sound of the bowl clinking onto the glass table proceeding after. Seo-jun smiled back at him and gave his boyfriend a head bow as a form of a thank you— extending his arm to reach for a slice.

“I’m really sorry about before. My friends are really...um, such a bother...” Taehyun apologized as plopped sat beside him.

“It’s...fine.” Seo-jun reassured. Yet it didn’t feel fine, because Taehyun saw Seo-jun’s right eye twitch. Not further saying anything about the same subject, Taehyun turned his head back to his boyfriend again.

“Oh, you’ve never told me about your ability!” Taehyun exclaimed.

“Ah...” “How about you guess it, and i’ll tell you if you’re right?” Seo-jun challenged.

“Sure!” Taehyun instantly agreed as he was very optimistic about guessing it correctly in a few tries, or maybe just one. He was good at it. “And you'll do the same with me.”

Seo-jun titled his head and nodded while grinning. “Yeah.”

Taehyun thought for a second. “Can you give me a clue on what it is, first?”

“I think it’d be too easy if I do so.”

“Well, I can’t think if you won’t give me a hint.”

“Then let’s not play at all.”

“No!” Taehyun pouted. “Please? Give me a hard hint at least.”

Seo-jun sighed as he nodded again. “Fine...hm, let’s see...”

“My ability has no different adjustments.”

“Oh.” Taehyun’s mouth was shaped an ‘o’ upon that. He just had to think of abilities without adjustments— or in other words, abilities with no other levels.

An ability with no other levels or an adjustment usually isn’t not something for combat, it’s mostly something like mind reading or precognition. A reason for this is because it’s powerful enough to have it. Mind reading is to read another’s mind only, and it doesn’t have or need any other levels to maximize or make it even more stronger as one’s power.

Abilities that are useful for combat like telekinesis or an elemental ability to use the water has different levels. For telekinesis level 1, a person can control no other but only objects by focusing on them, but it’s impact will not be very strong if it’s used to attack, compared to the others. Meaning, this level of telekinesis is the weakest.

If it’s level 2, a person with this ability can also only control objects by focusing on them, but it’s impact on attacking will be definitely stronger than 1.

Level 8 is the strongest for controlling only objects.

However, people with higher levels would be able to control people themselves, even bigger objects, and the highest level could control the void.

Taehyun is only on level 3. He was born with level 3 telekinesis, which means he can only control objects, but level 3 is strong enough to knock a person unconscious, but not actually killing them.

People with a high level combat use ability could say it’s an advantage because an organization called ‘Areux’ specializes in the study of abilities. They are still forcing themselves to dig deeper and investigate about them and they make people with combat abilities fight against each other and make it on live, and as a person wins, they get a prize.

Money, to be specific.

Taehyun bites his lips and attempted to guess and guess,

until it was his fifteenth try, and he decided to stop.

“Seriously, what’s your ability?” Taehyun frowned.

Seo-jun smirked at him. “Something harmless i’ve always wanted to use on you, but for now, I won't.”

╳°»。 ∾・⁙・ ღ ➵ ⁘ ➵ ღ ・⁙・∾ 。«°╳

a/n: aaaa

im stressed lol

since school is starting again for me, i wont be updating and writing frequently, but ill try my best to do so :) !

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