19; We Can Do It

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Harming a person with your ability was against the law and they could get arrested for it. That was the exact crime Seo-jun did and obviously, Taehyun's bestest of friends would never let that slide. Whether the victim was harmed physically or mentally, it was still illegal and that was the perfect opportunity to get rid of Taehyun's 'boyfriend'.

However, of course they had to move carefully. Knowing Seo-jun's ability, he could make them forget about the situation quickly when he notices that the 4 of them were trying to make a move. So they always avoided the 2 of them, especially Soobin, Yeonjun, and Kai who were in the same department.

Beomgyu sighed heavily for the nth time and drank from his can of beer, staring off space. It had been quite a long time when he accepted his feelings toward Taehyun. He never noticed he was denying it all these time, but after thinking a lot and after Kai's Q&A, he finally realized. It was not a doubt too that he missed the younger terribly and was desperate to witness his presence. Yet he found himself guilty of what happened to him and kept pushing his friends away when they mention Taehyun.

He clanked the can on the table which made a loud echo, gulping as the citrusy flavor ran down his throat. Oh, how much he was affected by this incident that he even started drinking alot and barely slept.

The latter closed his eyes and hung his head down while he slowly grew drunk. It was all his fault anyway.


"Actually, my ability is to be able to neutralize other people's abilities, so after I sucessfully do so, let's turn him in the police." Kai spoke lowly, almost in a whisper while the other 2, Yeonjun and Soobin nodded obediently. Beomgyu just stood there with an unamused expression, but he kept giving Kai looks of approval and said that he was listening whenever the younger looked.

"Beomgyu-hyung, if you don't like or don't want to be apart of our plan, then it's fine. I know this is hard for you." Kai then said in an apologetic tone while he walked towards him. "But we're getting Taehyun back, just for you. Then you can both start over aga—"

"That's just bullshit, Kai." Beomgyu uttered with both of his hands concealing his entire face, hiding it. "Start over again? I'm tired. Every time we tried to do so, our newly formed friendship will just be broken once again immediately. And I know Taehyun wouldn't like that too, I know Taehyun wouldn't even like it when we send Seo-jun to jail because he doesn't even know us anymore."

The other 3 stared at Beomgyu quietly, then Soobin came forward to take his hands away from his face. It revealed Beomgyu to the verge of tears— which literally broke Soobin's heart as his hyung.

"Hey... let's not think of the negative part, okay? I'm sure when we put all our effort to bring his memories back, he'll grow to like us and most especially you. I know that Taehyun's love for you hasn't disappeared. It's still there, it was just because of Seo-jun that made him forget about his memories. And that doesn't entirely mean that he lost his feelings for you. That doesn't mean that we can't convince him that Seo-jun was the bad guy. That doesn't mean we can't make him turn back to us and our friendship gets reunited." Soobin paused and Beomgyu finally stared right back at the taller. "We can still do it. I'm extremely sure that when he takes a good look at you once again, he'll fall in love. So let's see, alright? You guys are soulmates, your fate with him will never twist into a different one. Believe me Gyu, have some hope in us."

"But..." Beomgyu searched for at least just a little glimpse of uncertainty upon Soobin's eyes, but he could find none. He was unsure, and was also scared. It was his fault why Taehyun ended up harmed. He should've just accepted Taehyun's confession and started dating him from the start. That way, it could've been easier for them. But at the end of the day, no love is honestly easy.

It was a shame that he can't go back time either to correct his mistake. But this was the lesson, he was going through it right now. And surely he should listen and do the right thing. To help himself and his friends to get together with Taehyun again.

So he looked up to the three of them and smiled softly, while they immediately lightened up at that. "Okay then." Beomgyu stopped to nod. "I will do my best this time. Let's get rid of Seo-jun first."


Yeonjun gave the rest of the 3 a nod before turning invisible to sneak into Seo-jun's dorm, while Kai quietly followed even if he couldn't see Yeonjun with his own eyes.

The oldest spotted Seo-jun quickly in the kitchen grabbing something from the fridge. Yeonjun smirked before pouncing at the man, hearing him letting out a loud groan in pain, perplexity written all over his face when there was literally no one there. He then dragged him out of his dorm when Seo-jun was completely grounded by his strength and also weakened by the confusion.

"What the hell!? Help! What the fuck is happening— AH!" Seo-jun yelled surprisingly when he felt a sharp pain on his arm, looking up to see Kai gripping on the same exact spot as if he was sucking his soul out of him. "What the— WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!? GET AWAY— FORGET ABOUT ME!"

Kai smiled in satisfaction when he sucessfully neutralized his ability, while Seo-jun looked at him as if he was a witch who took something away from. Which...he did. "What— H-How—" Seo-jun yelped and flinched when Yeonjun suddenly took both of his wrists behind his back and twisted them, pinning him against the wall. Kai then ran up to his other two friends and signalled them to call the police immediately.

Yeonjun finally turned back to normal and showed himself to Seo-jun, enjoying his petrified expression. "You didn't see this coming, did you? You thought you would get away with this?" Yeonjun's smirk widened and it turned into a loud laugh, clearly mocking and embarrassing Seo-jun. "Unfortunately not. You can enjoy the rest of your life in jail and without your ability now."

While Soobin and Kai helped each other contacting the police, Beomgyu ran up to Yeonjun, glaring holes into Seo-jun as they stared at each other.

"Let go of him." Beomgyu ordered and Yeonjun did as he told. Seo-jun just stood there in place in fear while Beomgyu took it as an advantage to grab him by the collar and punched him with incredible force, the other wincing in pain as he did so, falling to the ground.

He thought everything was over when he heard that Taehyun lost all his memories about him and his friends. He thought he would never go back and live the rest of his life without Taehyun while the other said man will be forever in Seo-jun's side. But he was wrong. Of course he was, because he never even thought about how useful his friends were and how it was still possible to bring him back.

He stared at the man below him, crying and groaning out in pain from the extremely painful punch Beomgyu blew right to his face. He didn't regret it nor did he feel bad at all. He was mad. Not even mad, but furious. Furious because Seo-jun made it even more difficult for them.

Furious because he was the reason Taehyun hated him. Furious because he was absolutely an asshole. Furious because he delusionally really thought Taehyun was for him. Furious because he took Taehyun away from him. Furious because...

"... Hey? Gyu? Yo. That's enough now. The police are on their way." Yeonjun's voice cut him off from his own thoughts. Beomgyu's eyes widened when he realized what he was doing... he was literally beating up Seo-jun to death without even realizing.

"Yeah... that's enough! Otherwise you might be the one they arrest." Kai said jokingly while Yeonjun and Soobin slightly chuckled. Beomgyu soon joined to laugh and released his grip from Seo-jun, watching as he fell completely to the ground with a bleeding nose and black eye.

Yeonjun wrapped his arm around Beomgyu's shoulder as they listened to the incoming sirens, grinning widely. "Let's move on to Step 2 now."


a/n: okay i think this was a lil bit too dramatic... (っ'-')╮lmao

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