Chapter Seven

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Kolton screamed bloody murder. I felt his finger bone give way and pop off its socket and fall on the floor.

He was still screaming. It was ear-piercing. I've heard a lot. His was the worst.

His blood got all over my hands. Dammit, I already took a shower.

He stopped yelling and started uncontrollably sobbing.

"Oh, no. I'm not done, hun," I told him.


"You're the one talking. You are one of the worst liars I've ever meant. You killed your mother, you sick bitch. You wanted to kill me. You've done many unspeakable things. Karmas a bitch. Welcome to the real world." I snapped and started on his other fingers.

Same thing as last. Just blood curdling screams. I finally finished and my ears were ringing. The room could definitely be cleaned after this.

With all the strength Kolton could muster he spat at me, "You dick."

"Keep talking and I'll cut yours off," I responded.

He kept crying but he shut up.

I walked back to my tool box and wiped off the pilers and picked up a kitchen knife.

My style of murder and torture is using every day tools youll find around your house. It keeps people less suspicious.

I walk back to him once more but this time behind him. I left his hands off the chains. There's no point to have them up; he can't move anyways.

I held the knife against his neck knowing my intentions. I had the dull side against his skin.

"The last thing you'll ever here is your own screaming," I hiss and in one swift motion cut his right ear clean off. I know the pain from that. I felt it in my dreams. You don't feel it at first from the shock and then the pain will kick your ass like you've never felt.

Cue the screaming.

"Told you," I said and did the same to the other ear and that's when he passed out.


I had a little too much fun writing this bit. 😅

I might switch to Alastors sisters POV soon.

Thanks for reading.


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