Chapter Twentythree

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Alastors POV

I went back to my room and let my mind wander. The only thing I could think about was Saskia. I know I won't be able to get over her death. I realized how exhausted I was and thought about taking a nap. My gut told me not to.

I found myself checking my schedule. I had another tattoo appointment in four days. Might have to cancel that. I wasn't the busiest person and I really didn't have much going on.

I closed my phone and stared off to nothing. My mind wouldn't shut the fuck up. I couldn't seem to just sit there so I got up and cleaned the mess from the cup I threw either. I sweeped it up and threw it away, no big deal.

My breath all of sudden got heavier. I felt fine two minutes ago, so I had no idea what was wrong. I went to my bathroom to splash some water on my face. I rolled up my sleeves and noticed my arms. Blood was smeared on my sweat shirt and skin. The cuts seemed like they got bigger.

It stung but I smiled slightly at the pain. I cleaned the cuts with Peroxide and wrapped it with a medical tape.As soon as I walked out of my bathroom I heard Adrons scream. A rush of satisfaction washed over me and it calmed my breathing.

Hey, we all calm down differnalty. Unless you walked into your sister dead in a room with a dagger in her chest, the same dagger you gave her, I don't want to hear it.

Checking my phone I then heard Adron yell something not in english. It sounded like a mix of Latin and Hindi. Not thinking much of it I noticed it was 11:15pm. Not too late but I was exhausted. I realized I haven't eaten all day. I was about to lay down but I decided to get pizza rolls.

Yep, just your average 22 year old dude making pizza rolls at 11pm with someone suffering in his closet. Just a normal day.

I didn't have the patience to wait 14 minutes for the oven so I heated them in the microwave and called it good.

Changing into sleep wear I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

To no one's surprise I had a dream.

I was in Saskias room. Standing over her body, not letting myself to tear up, bottling emotions up. I heard her voice behind me. I spun around on my heels and no one was there.

Im going crazy I thought to myself in my dream.

"No you're not," a familiar voice said in front of me. I looked up and it was Saskia, or what looked like my sister.

I couldn't process my emotions soon enough and she startled me. "Hey, dickhead," she said through a chuckle. She didn't look like Saskia. Her hair was darker, skin was paler, her eyes showed no emotion. She looked like a halluation, disfigured, she didn't even look like a normal spirit. Trust me, I've seen plenty.

"Saskia," I choked back a sob. I wanted to hug her, tell it was all right, let her know I wouldn't mess up again, and be the brother I was supposed to be. I couldn't help it, a tear rolled down my face. I hated myself for getting like this.

"Hey, it's ok. It wasn't your fault," she told me as if she was reading my mind. I shook my head, "Yes it is. I was supposed to look after you. Its all my fucking fault. I helped Adron, and it only got you killed. I had one job and I failed it. As soon as I get done with Adron, I'm killing myself. There's absolutely nothing I have any more. Saskia, I'm so sorry."

I wanted to fall to my knees and end it now. She, or her spirit, put her hand on my shoulder. Her skin was cold. "Please don't," I noticed her voice sounded the same. "You did more than anyone else could've. I'm ok. I love you and no matter what you say it wasn't your fault. Apologize all you want, it won't bring me back. There's no point to bring yourself this much sorrow and hate."

"No point??" I asked louder then I ment. "Your dead and the only way i can talk to you is through a fucking dream and Im alone in this hellish world! And guess whose fault that is? Mine! I will never be able to sleep the same again knowing that I will never be able to see you ever again, and you expect me to be calm? Hell, I don't know if this is your or some random demon!"

I didn't realize I was yelling. I felt even worse. Instead of yelling at me back she just replied with a smile, "It's ok, Alastor. Love you."

Then she was gone.

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